Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I've had enough of this blabber mouthed broad !
OK with meI wonder if a woman finds her ass lacking she can just inject it with saline and tear it off with some forceps? After all it's her body, why not?
Excellent!Classmate Slams Teen Who Used Graduation Speech to Promote Abortion: Killing Babies is "Dehumanizing" -
A pro-life classmate of Texas valedictorian Paxton Smith responded this week to the teen’s viral speech promoting abortion at their high school commencement ceremony. Ilona Bistrian, who graduated from Lake Highlands High School in Dallas, Texas in December, said she was “appalled” by Smith’
Just might be the first time I've agreed with a Clinton.
More like Machiavellian Satanist House Leader.The repugnant holy house leader ............
Pelosi cites Catholic faith when defending support for repealing anti-abortion Hyde Amendment
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended Democrats' current effort to eliminate the Hyde Amendment – which prohibits federal dollars from being used to fund most abortions – and invoked her own Catholic faith in the
When I think of her it calls to mind a line from Dickens "It may be that, in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man's child."More like Machiavellian Satanist House Leader.
Jen Snarkey said he was a devout catholic.He “doesn’t now” about the Supreme Court‘s decision?
He does not know that at the time of conception or an indication of a heart beat means life has begun?
Claims to be a practicing Catholic?
The man is clearly bought out by Planned Parenthood...”Bowing down to “Baal” and loving the monetary and power that comes with it.
Is there any ounce of integrity or honesty left in him.. 50 years in the swamp and he is nothing better than an crocodile, a cold blooded reptile.
Just another reason Texas is the greatest State in the Union.
The great state of Texas where if you rape your sister she'll have your baby.Just another reason Texas is the greatest State in the Union.
Hopefully this will force Californication to become the abortion mecca of the country and attract the morally bankrupt back there.