I'm a star
I like the word stipulate, I understand I am speaking to intelligence.
First point, I will not justify it. You can't justify a wrong.
I did in my first statement, when something, a person in this case, is defiled what they touch or interact with becomes defiled unless there is a rejection by the other person. As long as a person does not interact, they just fester.
You asked me to agree to something for sake of argument. I am objecting to the use of the term "defile" because of it suggests an overarching theological agreement, which I don't believe exists. I agree that our badness harms ourselves necessarily, but you need to prove to me, through use of examples or other demonatrations, that our badness necessarily harms others before I can accept your premise and we can move on with the argument.
You literally just agreed with me, however, that our badness doesn't necessarily harm others when you made the exception to your own position "unless there is a rejection by the other person". See, I think you are trying to argue that our sins (to come right out and say what we really mean) cause others to sin, and as such their sins are our responsibility. But that is an infinite regress fallacy, and denies an individual's agency. If such were the case, none of us would be responsible for our own sin. But maybe that's not where you are going with this...