

Well-Known Member
Think I saw in another thread something about FedEx having a point system for drivers. At fault accidents are 5 pts each. Once you hit 12 pts, you can no longer drive. So two accidents would put you close to the 12 pts, but not over.

As a new employee, my understanding of policy is limited; what I posted above is based entirely from what others have posted on this forum, so please take it with a grain of salt.

How much time between accidents?


Just telling it like it is
They've changed the policy several times over the years.

Last I heard was 3 preventable accidents in a year and you're removed from driving.

Could be different now.


Well-Known Member
So even if its my second one and do I still have at least a good chance of keeping my job maybe I'm over thinking it
3 accidents in a rolling calendar year is automatic termination. If you had 1 already, they should have given you a copy of the policy.


Well-Known Member

Good advice.


Engorged Member
So even if its my second one and do I still have at least a good chance of keeping my job maybe I'm over thinking it

It is always "doing everything possible to avoid the accident, up to. and including anticipating the hazard". That gives them a very broad range to blame you. You might want to keep that in mind when reporting an incident/accident.

I've only seen people canned after two if it's a gross safety violation, like doing 25 over and then crashing.

You are now on the bubble.