

Victory Ride
This is a valid question. Does cheating have to involve physical contact or would something as relatively minor as texting be considered cheating?
Guess that would depend on the significant other.....what they feel is cheating....good relationship has that defined in the early beginning


golden ticket member
Adultery: to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups.

That means I've been practicing adultery for 50 years


nowhere special
There is always the old thought, word and deed clause. If you thought about it, congratulations! You just sinned.

I, myself don't believe in that interpretation. To me it takes a physical act (and getting Monica'ed counts) but I know people who believe in the strictest guideline.


Well-Known Member
There is always the old thought, word and deed clause. If you thought about it, congratulations! You just sinned.

I, myself don't believe in that interpretation. To me it takes a physical act (and getting Monica'ed counts) but I know people who believe in the strictest guideline.

Texting is cheating.