Affirmative Action Struck Down By SCOTUS


Engorged Member
"According to @AOC, Harvard is racist because 70% of legacy applicants are white. Just ignore the fact that 71% of America is white,"
Harvard is an elite school, and the demand/competition for spots is intense. Your head is going to explode when "legacy applications" go away. Why should you get to attend Harvard just because Daddy went there? A true meritocracy wouldn't take legacy into account. This is just another way of preserving wealth and privilege for the aristocracy. I'm guessing Dubya didn't get into Yale because he was smart, but because Daddy went there. Fair, right?
If it becomes a true meritocracy, Harvard would be far less White, and probably predominately Asian-American.
BTW, Chinese people have no standing in our legal system. Chinese-Americans do. Someone posted that this was part of some long game by the Chinese government, which is so dumb I can't believe it was put forth.


Engorged Member
To you any black that escapes the Democratic plantation is a disgrace.
Thomas "escaped" through Affirmative Action, so that means his grades wouldn't have been high enough to get him into Yale based on merit. If Republicans had it their way, Blacks would still be ON plantations.


Inordinately Right
This probably isn't the Trumpian White Nationalist "win" it appears to be for the usual suspects. If everything scholastic is a meritocracy, it isn't going to be any of the kids from the trailer park who benefit. It will be the East Indians/ Asians with 4.25 GPAs and perfect SAT scores. It's pretty hard to ace the LSAT (law school), but they'll have that handled too. An A- is an Asian "FAIL". Just ask the Asian kid who got grounded for getting that grade in Applied Physics or Trigonometry. Think I'm kidding? There's a reason they excel, and it's because their parents push them incredibly hard, OR they are self-motivated because they know the value of education.
Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. Affirmative Action recipient Clarence Thomas says Harlan Crow told him to say that.
You're such a racist lol.


Engorged Member
Why? Do you refer to me as a Caucasian-American? You're looking for racist boogeymen to deflect from the unfairness that Harvard and others are doing.
Is it unfair to admit someone because Mom, Dad or Grandpa went there? Legacy admissions should go away, and then Harvard will become about 75% Asian-American. That would be a meritocracy.


Engorged Member
First off they weren't appointed by the president. They were approved by the Senate. Second let's look at Brett Kavanaugh. He had an excellent record, was highly regarded in judicial circles, was recommended highly by his former law professors, was an accomplished legal scholar with published law school text books. But you would never know it if you listened to those that smeared him, in front of his wife and kids no less, in hopes of keeping a conservative judge from being seated on SCOTUS. Absolutely reprehensible what they did to him. If you have evidence that any of Trump's selections weren't qualified other than they are conservative let's hear it.
Kavanaugh blatantly lied during his confirmation hearing, particularly regarding Roe. At least he had a chance to have a hearing, unlike Garland. The court should be 5-4.


nowhere special
There is: the Constitution.

It's activist decisions that you're looking for (read Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissents) and the current makeup of the court just isn't going to give them.
