Affirmative Action Struck Down By SCOTUS


Strength through joy
Lincoln ended slavery because he needed troops.
Of which 108,000 enlisted and fought harder than most other troops because they knew the Southern Army would not be giving them the same POW treatment as white troops recieved.


Well-Known Member
A "Clarence Thomas" took my law school opportunity. In the mid-90s I was thinking hard about law school, took the Kaplan prep course and the LSAT...twice. I don't know what the format is now, but then you could take it twice and your average was your net score for admission purposes. It was only offered twice a year, so I took #1 even though I had a 105 degree temp because I wanted to make the deadline for entrance. I scored 154. The second test I was healthy and scored 164 for an average of 159 under the system in effect at that time. That was 1 point short of getting into my state's public law school. Reliable sources told me that a score of 150 was the bar for certain minorities, so someone else got my place because they were Black or Brown. I was offered admission at several other schools, which were either out of state or so expensive that I couldn't possibly afford it (I needed to be able to work). Bottom line....I couldn't afford that level of debt. The state school was my one reasonable shot.
Regardless, I support Affirmative Action, even if I'm a "victim". I succeeded anyway.
Good for you. I'm not familiar with that scoring system but the crux of these lawsuits were that the future of applicants was being harmed because they were passed over for someone with a significantly worse academic record but they were chosen because they were in the right racial group. If it was a one off no biggie except to the one passed over. But it was/is systemic and those who spent their entire education careers maintaining superior grades were routinely passed over for those who didn't. We aren't talking about blacks with excellent records who earned the right. Those who had less than stellar records could still get into state universities but they aren't owed a place in an elite school but that was what they were getting in the name of diversity. Affirmative action originally was created to address blacks being shut out of schools, jobs, promotions. It has developed into insuring they can get ahead in some circumstances based solely on their race, at the expense of others. That's the unfairness that was addressed yesterday.


Well-Known Member
"People think that the

It's The Supreme CATHOLIC Court Of The United States, and it's extremely corrupt.Barrett is straight out of "A Handmaids Tale", Alito is the Pope's (and several others) errand boy, and Clarence is on the Crow Plantation. Roberts isn't much better, nor are the other servants of The Cross (not us). Pelosi is Catholic, so she's "qualified".
yea and does the MSM ever mention corruption aside from whats happened recently with clarence? i dont think so


Inordinately Right
The Christian Right finally got their way by loading the SCOTUS with 6 CATHOLICS, every single one of the conservative majority and 1 (Sotomayor) in the minority. Beholden to The Pope, The Christian Right, and the GOP, they ignored established law and the will of the majority and made a sweetheart ruling to suit their religious base.
"People think that the it's The Supreme CATHOLIC Court Of The United States, and it's extremely corrupt.Barrett is straight out of "A Handmaids Tale", Alito is the Pope's (and several others) errand boy, and Clarence is on the Crow Plantation. Roberts isn't much better, nor are the other servants of The Cross (not us). Pelosi is Catholic, so she's "qualified".
Your anti Catholic bigotry is hilarious.

You're just like conspiracy theory antisemites crying the guys with big noses are running the world.

Except with you it's the guys in the big hats running the world. Waaaaahhh the pope doesn't like people killing babies Waaaaahhh. Lol.


Well-Known Member


Inordinately Right
Why is voluntary student debt being compared to PPP loans that were issued to protect payrolls during government-mandated COVID shutdowns?
I'm certainly not a fan of the PPP loans, but they were given out with the understanding they would be cancelled.

People borrowed money for higher education, now they're bitching and moaning they have to fulfill their promise to pay what they owe.

Totally different.


Well-Known Member
Also as a reminder of all the “PPP is great and should be wiped off the books” is a reminder that employers who had PPP forgiveness also had government paid free labor during the duration of their PPP loan.
The owners pocketed all of that money.

El Correcto

god is dead
A black kid should have equal opportunity for equal effort.
When you grow up in the ghetto with uneducated parents equal effort isn’t enough. You have to work even harder to get the same results as kids who are raised in an elitist environment, you have to overcome many more barriers including your own environment just to even achieve similar results to these people.

A kid from the hood that has slightly less good grades put in way more effort to achieve those grades than any little elitist spoon fed education and opportunity their entire life.


Well-Known Member
Where red states continue to ban it leaving pregnant women to have to go to blue states for an abortion. I would love to see blue state HHS departments send red states the bill for services rendered.
Women's health clinics ( call them whatever makes you feel better) are licensed by the individual state. Now if the medically necessary abortion has to be paid for using funds from the blue state's Medicaid budget why shouldn't the red state reimburse the blue state.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Women's health clinics ( call them whatever makes you feel better) are licensed by the individual state. Now if the medically necessary abortion has to be paid for using funds from the blue state's Medicaid budget why shouldn't the red state reimburse the blue state.
Who decides what is medically necessary? Cloaking reality by defining an abortion as 'medically necessary' will become commonplace.

And if a blue state can't afford to treat refugees, it should refuse to do so.


Well-Known Member
Who decides what is medically necessary? Cloaking reality by defining an abortion as 'medically necessary' will become commonplace.

And if a blue state can't afford to treat refugees, it should refuse to do so.
Unlike down your way where medical necessity is determined by a bible thumper with a GED, in the blue states it's decided by a licensed board certified physician.