Engorged Member
Stephen Miller, Assistant Fuhrer operating underneath the Orange Fuhrer. Making sure that the will of the Right Wing is imposed upon the legal world in order to create and maintain Christo-Fascist ideals. He's going to be extremely disappointed when the entire law school student body is Asian and crushes his Aryan idealism.The Prince of Darkness is coming to crush lib schools.
Stephen Miller Sends Threatening Letter to 200 Schools Telling Them He’ll Sue If They Consider Race in Applications: ‘You Are Hereby Warned’
Stephen Miller said he has sent a letter to deans of 200 law schools threatening to sue them if they bypass the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative
The SCOTUS (and it's decisions) aren't supposed to be blatantly political, nor favor one ideology over another, but that's exactly what they've become, an arm of the Republican Party and a tool to enforce minority rule upon the rest of us.
May Stephen Miller join the entire SCOTUS, and President trump aboard Titan 2, the Stockton Rush designed cardboard and aluminum foil successor to Titan 2. It's a free trip. Bring Don Jr......please.