Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly a BILLION dollars to the families of Sandy Hook victims


Well-Known Member
So no one.
Okay buddy.
Carry on.
Wow, you really stung me there. You're whole argument has been Dems are using the term conspiracy theory as a way to shut down criticism about what they're doing. My whole argument is that there are conspiracies floating on both sides, and you can't necessarily say the Dems are claiming such on the Right to shut them down when there are so many on the Right who are actually saying this stuff. And I'm saying we have real world problems that need to be solved, which have been mostly created by the current administration, and we should be focusing on getting them solved instead of dreaming up all kinds things that almost always eventually run their course and then they're on to the next one. It doesn't fix anything, just gives some people comfort that they're clued in to what's really happening. And makes conservatives look bad.


Well-Known Member
And yet they exist. I think you should pack your satchel and head to Washington to argue your point before SCOTUS.
I love it keep showing the true you, do you like being told what to do by people who are unelected and who can decide to hear or not hear your case on there whims? Never mind if the constitution is actually followed. I mean after all it was the supreme court that said abortions were legal for 50 years I mean they did fix it but it only took 50 years that’s OK right? No one was actually harmed here right? It was the law of the land right? Because the Supreme Court makes laws? We can count on those unelected people who are placed there for life to do the right thing. There’s absolutely no need to go through the proper steps for bills and laws will just use The supreme court. They are your masters. They can decide. Screw your liberty, screw your freedom, screw the constitution. But somewhere down the road maybe they’ll admit they’re wrong and throw you a bone.


Inordinately Right
You're whole argument has been Dems are using the term conspiracy theory as a way to shut down criticism about what they're doing.
No, I never mentioned the substance of the conspiracy theory, because I don't think it's relevant to having the right to talk about it.

This is my "argument":
There's only one party that is saying conspiracy theories are dangerous and we should shut down free speech.
This is your response:
I'm saying both sides are guilty.
I'm asking you to give me one example of a conservative trying to take away someone's freedom of speech.

I mean I'm sure you'll come up with something if you stop deflecting.


Pretty much what I said.
Jones is being ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because some other people—who were not acting under any orders from Jones—allegedly committed some crimes on their own. It’s difficult to see, then, how Jones actually inflicted any actual damages on his supposed “victims” in this case. If people have harassed the parents, of course, that’s a crime for which the actual harassers are responsible. The real guilty parties here are the people who have committed acts of harassment. But it appears that Jones has been convicted here of simply saying things that the jury and the plaintiffs found objectionable.



Well-Known Member
Pretty much what I said.

Absolutely that decision was not decided to be against Alex Jones it was against everyone, and free-speech. it’s a soft Tyranny, everyone just keep your mouth shut because you might get sued and lose everything or be socially outcast, even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Alex Jones is a Big mouth idiot. I thought everyone knew that. But his speech is protected because he did not incite anyone to do anything.