Alison vs Mitch

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
I wish Bevin would have went independent, instead of a dead heat with those most powerful Republican in the Nation, We would ld be ahead of him by 10 points. You need yo talk more of your teabaggers to run separate (I) we will never have national RTW

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Well-Known Member
Ups gave those wages caused they loved u so much right. They were never negotiated right

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We wouldn't make what we do today without the IBT negotiating on our behalf. Nor would we be losing benefits today, facing a pay freeze & screwing retirees without the IBT of today choosing politics over people. All because of one crappy healthcare law. That's the difference between then & now.


Well-Known Member
The sad part of it all is that the overwhelming majority of union members continue to support the union leaders that have placed a political parties social agenda in front its members & their families interests. There is nothing in the socialists agenda for hard working tax paying middle class Americans to benefit from. We are the lion's share of income & redistributed earning come from us, not some nameless faceless top 1%. That's just for rhetoric & to get the uninformed to cheer for their own wealth & earnings confiscation. (Remember when Obamacare was going to be funded by Fat-cats & billionaires) Surprise! Its funded by our labor....paying more, getting less so that Democrats can claim credit & votes for someone else's freebie. Union members need to realize that today's union leadership isn't looking out for us & being their yes men isn't going to change a thing. Supporting Democrats & the union leaders that support them is a lose-lose for us all.


Well-Known Member
Let us remember who's agenda will continue under a Democratic senate. A vote for Grimes is a vote for the spread of domestic, homegrown communism. The same evil, unaccountable, repressive antihuman government system that has empoverished to death, over 100million people around the globe in just the last century. The same ideology that our fathers, grandfathers & great grandfathers have fought against overseas & that is today disguised as a historical movement toward equality. At the end of this movement the only possible outcome is of equal poverty & servitude to the progressive elites in Washington. Next Tuesday Think. Then vote.


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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
A protest vote, brilliant. A Two year anger vote, to give Mitch 6 more years. McConnell is the poster boy for broken, paid for government you complain about

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Your hate clouds your judgment. A great turn out for the march for Alison Sat morning. IBEW,UMWA,LABORERS, CARPENTERS AND TEAMSTERS and their families. We need the same kind of turn out walking precincts next Mon night

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
If the Democrats are so bad, why are all these races so close. What does that say about today's republican party when then they can't just run away with these elections with this unpopular of a president. The Senate races and governor races are dead heats, its laughable you think you guys have the moral high ground

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Well-Known Member
Your hate clouds your judgment. A great turn out for the march for Alison Sat morning. IBEW,UMWA,LABORERS, CARPENTERS AND TEAMSTERS and their families. We need the same kind of turn out walking precincts next Mon night

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Marching for their own earnings redistribution & upholding the demise of their family's health insurance, that's brilliant. Mitchs' challenger needs to come from his right, not more to the left. Kentucky already missed that opportunity because the unions & others weren't there to give the marching orders. What a bunch of sheep.


Well-Known Member
If the Democrats are so bad, why are all these races so close. What does that say about today's republican party when then they can't just run away with these elections with this unpopular of a president. The Senate races and governor races are dead heats, its laughable you think you guys have the moral high ground

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There's no doubt that the left has a better ground game in elections. They are able to tap into the most simple minded voters by creating gender strife & racial division. Sounding smart to stupid people is certainly our presidents greatest talent.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
And a 2 year protest vote, for a 30 year establishment politician. Why not, if its against Obama, heck give him 42 years. You sound like a complete hypocritical "nimrod"

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
I live in Ky, thats my Senior Senator, I will continue to work my butt off to get him out, and get Alison in. Go worry about the other states where tea partiers actually won a primary.

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Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Mitch beats Bevin with the oldest primary trick in the book, and u criticize me for actually getting involved in unseating this crook. Just go down in your basement count your rice bags turn on some glenn beck and relax if you can. I getting tired of making you look stupid.

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Well-Known Member
And a 2 year protest vote, for a 30 year establishment politician. Why not, if its against Obama, heck give him 42 years. You sound like a complete hypocritical "nimrod"

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The opportunity to oust McConnell with a reformer was May 20th. You missed it by 6 months. The only option you have now is someone worse than McConnell that is guaranteed to help the president continue his destructive policies.


Well-Known Member
I live in Ky, thats my Senior Senator, I will continue to work my butt off to get him out, and get Alison in. Go worry about the other states where tea partiers actually won a primary.

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So what is it about Allison Grimes that you like so much? Is she going to stand up for coal jobs? Is she going be a vote to repeal the health care law that is ravaging working family's benefits? Be honest, is it her boobies?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So what is it about Allison Grimes that you like so much? Is she going to stand up for coal jobs? Is she going be a vote to repeal the health care law that is ravaging working family's benefits? Be honest, is it her boobies?
Probably not. She will do like all the Democratic Senators do, follow orders from Reid and Obama.


Well-Known Member
Polling Data
PollDateSampleMoEMcConnell (R)Grimes (D)Spread
RCP Average10/4 - 10/23----46.241.8McConnell +4.4
CBS News/NYT/YouGov*10/16 - 10/231502 LV4.04539McConnell +6
Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA*10/15 - 10/19655 LV3.94443McConnell +1
Rasmussen Reports10/15 - 10/161000 LV3.05244McConnell +8
Western Kentucky Univ.*10/6 - 10/19LV4.14542McConnell +3
FOX News*10/4 - 10/7706 LV3.54541McConnell +4
All Kentucky Senate - McConnell vs. Grimes Polling Data