Ron Carey lives on
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A brown cafe agitator, playing glenn beck on here. Your parents should be so proud
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Anyway smurf, maybe someday you'll wake up, but probably not. You are a sad,pathetic, and obviously unhappy hater. I'll be out on the front line organizing union members trying to protect your rights. You can rub one out to rush
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A brown cafe agitator, playing glenn beck on here. Your parents should be so proud
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You were given some examples, but you either don't understand what is meant, or refuse to accept them, and feel that if you keep saying the above, you think your argument is made. I am done with you on this.So...still no example?
What examples? Millionaire union bosses commission bonuses, that ONE? Are you saying union workers have been bussed all around the country to state houses to spend days protesting & fighting police to protect millionaire union bosses bonus checks? Really?You were given some examples, but you either don't understand what is meant, or refuse to accept them, and feel that if you keep saying the above, you think your argument is made. I am done with you on this.
What examples? Millionaire union bosses commission bonuses, that ONE? Are you saying union workers have been bussed all around the country to state houses to spend days protesting & fighting police to protect millionaire union bosses bonus checks? Really?
If I'm "a bit tedious" for wanting ONE (1) example of a union member harmed by RTW then I guess I'm being a bit tedious.You're getting a bit tedious, Smurf. You really didn't come on here to discuss came on here to promote your RTW anti-union agenda. Examples have been provided. Your idiotic refusal to accept those examples does not make them any less valid.
RTW legislation does harm unions! Use your head, Smurf! Any entity that relies on revenue to provide a product or service is hampered when that product or service is required by law to be provided for free. Eventually, you and your freeloading pals will force a local union to make the decision to disclaim interest in a bargaining unit. When it happens...just suck it up, Smurf. You'll fit right in as a happy little RTW scab.
If I'm "a bit tedious" for wanting ONE (1) example of a union member harmed by RTW then I guess I'm being a bit tedious.
RTW has never been the cause of a unions demise. Poor representation, crooked dealings, embezzlement, perjury etc. are what brings unions down. Your hypothetical of everyone leaving the union because it's free is laughable. Its never happened that way & never will.
Do I really need to quote everything you said back to you to prove to you that you said it? Apparently I do.When did I ever put forward a "hypothetical of everyone leaving the union because it's free"? Perhaps you should consider justifying your own statements rather than misrepresenting mine!
You referred to Grimes as a "Horny Hick from Arkansas"? Where did that come from?
Union officers earning $250,000 - $400,000 per year? How many union officers are earning that? 5? 50? C'mon can access LM-2 Reports.
RTW employees are to be credited with the raises we received and with pressuring union officers to do their job? Where do you come up with this stuff?
For someone who makes so many demands for verification from others, you sure do toss a lot of bullout there!
Your only credible assertion was "I guess I'm being a bit tedious." Well...Yeah!
Keep up the whacked out RTW craziness, Smurf. You wear it well.
If I'm "a bit tedious" for wanting ONE (1) example of a union member harmed by RTW then I guess I'm being a bit tedious.
RTW has never been the cause of a unions demise. Poor representation, crooked dealings, embezzlement, perjury etc. are what brings unions down. Your hypothetical of everyone leaving the union because it's free is laughable. Its never happened that way & never will.
Do I really need to quote everything you said back to you to prove to you that you said it? Apparently I do.
"RTW legislation does harm unions! Use your head, Smurf! Any entity that relies on revenue to provide a product or service is hampered when that product or service is required by law to be provided for free. Eventually, you and your freeloading pals will force a local union to make the decision to disclaim interest in a bargaining unit." Those were your words so don't accuse me of misrepresenting them.
And I didn't refer to Grimes as a Horny Hick from Arkansas. That was a reference to a former president, the one who is married to the most cheated on woman in America. Yes Bill is coming to Kentucky to hump, I mean stump for the moderately attractive senate challenger & maybe even score a Lewinsky for his efforts.
$250k-$400k salaries are what the top union officials in my local rake in. That is before they were busted for stealing money from Teamster members & misreporting the locals financial health. Doesn't matter if its 5 or 50, that's where the anti-rtw hysteria & lies are born.
Maybe instead of name calling, you could be a little more diplomatic.A brown cafe agitator, playing glenn beck on here. Your parents should be so proud
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And where exactly did I offer a hypothetical of everyone leaving the union because it's free? It's nowhere in the quote that you provided because I never said it. What I did say is accurate and I stand by it. The union relies on dues revenue to provide representation. The withholding of that dues revenue by you and your RTW freeloader buddies hampers the local union. If 5 or 10 RTW freeloaders opt out of the union, it may not matter much. If 100 RTW freeloaders opt out of the same bargaining unit, the union may consider disclaiming interest in that bargaining unit and I wouldn't blame them. Good riddance!
As for the $250k-$400k salaries, glad that you clarified that it's your local. Too damn bad, huh Smurf? In my local, the union officials make just a bit more than a UPS driver and they work a lot more hours. But the again, we don't have any RTW freeloaders here, so the meetings are well attended and increases to the officers are presented to the membership and voted on.
Ya' see Smurf, an active and involved membership is what keeps local union officials on the straight and narrow...not some fear of RTW freeloaders as you've suggested in the past.
ps: Sharpen up those reading comprehension skills, Smurf.