Amazon Labor Union affiliates with Teamsters


Well-Known Member
Amazon will just close the facility and tie up the litigation until no worker would ever want the job back 8 years from now when the Teamsters prevail. It will cost the existing members dues to support the litigation..

The deep pocket companies will outspend the union to simply wait out the problem.
Don’t they take out special interest $ out of our checks? I remember asking how to cancel it and was told it was an act of god… lol

Hot Carl

Well-Known Member
My cousin works for them in KY. I know she wishes they would organize, but that's a RTW state now, so it's more of an uphill climb. But I'm blown away at Amazon's ability to close down buildings and open up new ones as frequently as they do. Meanwhile, many of us work in buildings that quite literally falling apart.


Well-Known Member
My cousin works for them in KY. I know she wishes they would organize, but that's a RTW state now, so it's more of an uphill climb. But I'm blown away at Amazon's ability to close down buildings and open up new ones as frequently as they do. Meanwhile, many of us work in buildings that quite literally falling apart.
We are cutting our own throats with retail centralization.


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