Ambulance coverages

At the end of the day, TeamCare is better healthcare coverage than what's offered to the overwhelming majority of the American workforce. Claiming that it's ":censored2:" and "garbage" insurance is completely inaccurate and shows a startling ignorance at the state of the rest of the unionized (and non-unionized) workforce in this country.

That being said, it's absolutely "not as good" as the old company plan (not that we really had the option to stay on the company plan in the first place) and I'm constantly having to check op reports in my area to make sure senior part-timers with families that are out for various non-covered reasons (taking layoffs/call-ins instead of disability is a common one) to make sure they don't lose their insurance by missing their 1 punch a week. It's not difficult to go out on short term disability, but it's pretty startling just how many people are unaware of the 1 punch a week rule.

And while TeamCare -- at the end of the day -- takes more out of my pocket than the old company plan, it's a better strategic choice for us as a whole. Rolling the PT workforce at UPS into TeamCare provides millions of dollars for the plan from participants that are typically younger and without families, helping to subsidize the other participants. Additionally, from what I've been told, we would be covered during a possible strike situation down the road rather than the local unions (many of which are completely unable to do so, financially) having to make COBRA payments.

We've also seen some recent minor improvements including covering immunizations and child wellness visits -- completely inexcusable (from both an ethical and fiduciary standpoint) for a healthcare plan NOT to cover these in the first place, to be fair.
Man I'm proud of what you have become. You are an awesome steward and human being. You are a fine example of a great teamster.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
One complaint about TeamCare is (now) having to go to an Urgent Care instead.

The other good one is;

"we have to work 1 day a week for our benefits to be paid".


Interesting observation.

There is that elitist UPS attitude, shining through.

TeamCare is good enough for our Union Brothers.... but not for US.

If they want to settle for less, that should be their problem.

But the TEAMCARE UPSERS should have fought to get our healthcare.

Funny how you missed that.


Well-Known Member
I have had a Teamster healthcare plan since I started and have zero complaints. The key is to be a smarter medical consumer.
The company is still paying a premium for healthcAre and the union forced us onto a no frills policy! FACT
You wear a red vest and your pension is in danger because of it !! FACT


The company is still paying a premium for healthcAre and the union forced us onto a no frills policy! FACT
You wear a red vest and your pension is in danger because of it !! FACT



Well-Known Member
Last month I called 911 and an ambulance picked me up. I just called Teamcare a moment ago to verify ambulance coverages and at the beginning of the conversation she went on and on about how ambulance is 100% coverage for everything. Now she is saying that the ambulance that picked me up was out of network and team care will only cover a certain amount and I am responsible for the rest???
OK guys. I figured it out. The president of my Local has got some good connections so he had a guy from Chicago call me me up and explain what happened. Apparently the ambulance came from the fire department. The fire department is out of network. It looks like I will just have to bite the bullet on this one