An Elephant Tale!


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Fear not the vikings of the north
not far will they go forth
for they are led by one whose purpose is revenge
a sin that the gods love to avenge
Fear rather the Frost Giants of the east
for they will host the natives on whom they will feast
and will commit unspeakable sins
as they murder and scalp the lowly Redskins

The dawgs hath come limping home. The Vikings sail homeward with their plunder. :knockedout:

P.S. Remembereth to "Refresh" this pageth. :wink2:


The dawgs hath come limping home. The Vikings sail homeward with their plunder. :knockedout:

P.S. Remembereth to "Refresh" this pageth. :wink2:

Your dawgs are longeth in the tooth
more so than Brett of Favre
that is the truth


Fear not the vikings of the north
not far will they go forth
for they are led by one whose purpose is revenge
a sin that the gods love to avenge
Fear rather the Frost Giants of the east
for they will host the natives on whom they will feast
and will commit unspeakable sins
as they murder and scalp the lowly Redskins

the battle is over
the Frost Giants have prevailed
The Redskins lay fallen
faces drained of blood and noticeably more pale


I come to this thread with caution, I fear that I may faileth
For I am one so common to seek the holy graileth
I smell the MAGIK in the air but still I sense the devil
he's now asleep in the castles deep
With an on car sup named Neville
As Merlin cast his spell in hope to cure some queen who could not cope
with too much wine and too much Op he gave her a bar of soap

He predicted an eclipse,she said he was a loony
It happened and they ended up having sex out in the boonies

Gawain unhorsed Dimitri and caused the knight to bleed
Gawain showed him mercy and they went out to drink some mead

The coliseum was just buzzing tonight at the gladitorfest
The teamsters in thier colors ,against managements best
Tie against sober in a fyght to the death

oops sober and tie are out drinking mead
its the end as we know it ok we've agreed


I come to this thread with caution, I fear that I may faileth
For I am one so common to seek the holy graileth
I smell the MAGIK in the air but still I sense the devil
he's now asleep in the castles deep
With an on car sup named Neville
As Merlin cast his spell in hope to cure some queen who could not cope
with too much wine and too much Op he gave her a bar of soap

He predicted an eclipse,she said he was a loony
It happened and they ended up having sex out in the boonies

Gawain unhorsed Dimitri and caused the knight to bleed
Gawain showed him mercy and they went out to drink some mead

The coliseum was just buzzing tonight at the gladitorfest
The teamsters in thier colors ,against managements best
Tie against sober in a fyght to the death

oops sober and tie are out drinking mead
its the end as we know it ok we've agreed

Truly it is a clash of titans for the sound of the blows unleased by Soberups and Tieguy can be heard even in this faraway thread. I fear that soon the peace of this shire will be affected by such a conflict.

By the way, well done DS, the Bard himself could not have done better

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
The frog doth call
From atop the wall
As he searches
For a fair young miss

Breaketh the spell
And from my hell
Delivereth me
With a kiss

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Prescriptions should be followed,
Chased with meade from a mug.
Too many thy both have swallowed,
Your hunger? Tis for a bug.
Heareth me now evil Dizzee
Restoreth that fair young Miss
For across the earth I willith track thou
And planteth upon thee a kiss


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Heareth me now evil Dizzee
Restoreth that fair young Miss
For across the earth I willith track thou
And planteth upon thee a kiss

Gee, though tempting is your offer, YUCK!!,
Thou's malady is not yours alone.
For I am perched upon this wall.
Befeathered like a duck.


Sir Dizzee
I danceth a jig
You putteth my cat
On the head of the pig!

With a thousand apologies
And with all of my tools
I shall reconnect
Thy sacred jewels

But alas
all the king's horses
and all the king's men
could not re-connect
poor dizze's manhood again


Heareth me now evil Dizzee
Restoreth that fair young Miss
For across the earth I willith track thou
And planteth upon thee a kiss

Be thoust aware that if thine intentions be known afar that the duke of upstatenew YORK mighst have a problem with thine post as he is a due follower of Leviticus in which it state a man shall not lieth with a beast . He has been known to seek bans of posts and videos of abominable acts before. Be on guard and protect the western boundaries of thine kingdom lest the Duke of York trieth to spread his version of christianity with the sword.