Animal Accidents


Well-Known Member
i do my best to take out at least 1 dog per week. i figure by the time i retire it will be a lot safer for whoever takes over my route.

I hope you are just trying to sound like a jerk instead of really being one. If you have ever had a dog you really loved you would know the loss of loosing one. I had 2 older ones that died last year and I still miss them. They were not run over by a maniac. They just got old and sick and I was there for them as they had been for me. The dogs on my route love to see me coming because I always have bisquits for them. It's true that some dogs are mean, but that is not the norm. Most are very good natured which I cannot say about most people.

Any animal I hit with my truck makes me feel bad. I've hit several birds. The pheasants are thick here now so I really have to watch for them. No worry though, the big hunters will get in a line soon and march through the fields and shoot anything that moves. How sporting....Sorry, but to me Football is a sport. Hunting is not.


Senior Member
A few stupid people on this route I'm running now answer their door every single damn time with their huge dog of choice (usually pitbull) ready to attack me. They open the door and then hold onto the collar with both hands...really brilliant when you have to sign for a package.

Needless to say these people will be having an animal accident one of these days when the thing attacks me and it won't involve my P800.

I always wondered how management handles deer jumping out infront of trucks, I see 8-10 dead deer every day and I guess it's only a matter of simple math before it's my turn. Sometimes you just don't have any time to react when it comes to deer, especially in an 800 that has 400K miles and no high beams. AVOIDABLE!
I am with you on the Pit's. Do what you have to do with them.
As far as deer or any other animal, do not swerve and try to dodge them. You are safer taking a full on impact than a rollover or hitting a tree. How management reacts doesn't mean JACK unless the first words out of their mouth is "Are you OK?"