Well-Known Member
i do my best to take out at least 1 dog per week. i figure by the time i retire it will be a lot safer for whoever takes over my route.
I hope you are just trying to sound like a jerk instead of really being one. If you have ever had a dog you really loved you would know the loss of loosing one. I had 2 older ones that died last year and I still miss them. They were not run over by a maniac. They just got old and sick and I was there for them as they had been for me. The dogs on my route love to see me coming because I always have bisquits for them. It's true that some dogs are mean, but that is not the norm. Most are very good natured which I cannot say about most people.
Any animal I hit with my truck makes me feel bad. I've hit several birds. The pheasants are thick here now so I really have to watch for them. No worry though, the big hunters will get in a line soon and march through the fields and shoot anything that moves. How sporting....Sorry, but to me Football is a sport. Hunting is not.