Lead Belly
Now let's talk some smack. Who wants some of lead belly.
How about LagunaBrown?You have NO idea Wut you are talking about.......
We'll see how much balls and knowledge you'll have when you try to bash on me ....
What's the difference between book and market value?
Book value is the price paid for a particular asset. This price never changes so long as you own the asset. On the other hand, market value is the current price at which you can sell an asset.
For example, if you bought a house 10 years ago for $300,000, its book value for your entire period of ownership will remain $300,000. If you can sell the house today for $500,000, this would be the market value.
Read more: What's the difference between book and market value? | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/183.asp#ixzz426AH9NCG
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Once again I am always showing you how niave you are. Don't you ever get embarrassed? This happens a lot! Fred, please if your gonna send these guys into battle coach them up!
How about a more realistic look with just ONE of the Locals 5 properties. The book value of the hall is about $70,000 because it was bought so long ago. The actual market value is over $760,000 today. That is a difference of $690,000. Just this ONE property covers all the loans and it would still leave money to put the local in the green and solvent. If you add the other properties you will see we are still a very financially secure local (which was not the case for your girl sandy). As IntheGame told you there is payouts that had to be made for severance so you will soon see the net assets stall out and start to decrease in the coming years. You have backed up a reform slate that lies and says the local is bankrupt or insolvent! The lies need to STOP! Why do you follow EE when they do not even have the reading skills or comprehension to understand an LM-2? Fred is backing these clowns on there Facebook page because he is desperate for votes BUT he should at least have the balls to at least correct them. Lets see if he tells the truth that: The Local is Solvent, Your healthcare is not an 80/20 plan it is a $10 dollar copay and Your pension contributions have gone up ($20,488 a year). I have no issue with democracy and someone running for what they believe in but there are plenty of legitimate problems he could address and as a leader STOP the lies!
How about LagunaBrown?
He says the -$410,000.00 NET WORTH of out local is misleading.
I say is shows a pattern of massive over spending by PK.
Do you think LagunaBrown is right?
I was at the movies with the family.Damn it got real quiet real quick.
It is a book value on a organization that is non profit. End of story.I was at the movies with the family.
The net worth number is accurate according to government rules and sworn by PK.
Just because you don't want that number to be so bad, does not make that number false.
This is the main number the government and the international looks at to get a 1st look at the financial strength, or weakness of a local.
I bet if our local's net worth was in the positive, you would be on here crowing about it.
Not end of story.It's is a book value on a organization that is non profit. End of story.
Wow, Sandy lost her local and you never said a damn thing when her local went belly up. It was a another TDU disaster at a local and you voted for her. Where is she now?Not end of story.
Non profits can go belly up.
Local unions can go belly up.
Our local's Net Worth sucks.
It sucks because PK overspent our unions resources.
The value of our local's properties can be through the roof and the only good it will do us now is if we sell them off to pay our bills, or to mortgage them to get money to pay our bills.
Most adults can figure this out.
You are on the side that can't.
You really shouldn't waste your time with those 2 tools. No matter what you say they have some bull lies to come back with.You are complete tool, first you call me out about contract enforcement and once I have proof to back it up you change the subject to some fairy tail. You really think managers pay tens of thousands of dollars in grievances per year and violate the contract because they don't fear me? Really? You being a troll from another craft is showing. Everyone here knows what UPS is like and it is obvious you have no idea. I will keep protecting members rights while you troll lies on the internet and we will see at election time who is just.
Look Columbo you and those donkeys have been trying to pin me down for a while now.. You think i don't know what tactics your using to find my identity.. I'll tell you this much, You think you know who i am, but you honestly don't know. You and the rest of the bozos have named some names, said we have posted under different names but you have no idea... I've been told that someone's wife is an IT specialist (Thats a lie i know what she does) and has everyone here pinned down to the exact address they are posting from... Really ??? You think we are that stupid to think that accusation has any substance .... Unless you have a federal subpoena and a search warrant from the government to my service provider you will never really know who we are... It's not my fault that your narcissism put you in the position to have to reveal yourself on these boards...Ok let's level the playing field tuff stuff. You know my name and where I work why don't you IM me your info..........
Unlike you i don't need anyone helping me. I fight my own battles!Let's hear it tuff stuff.....
(You know when you have realbrown1 backing you up your in trouble, that guy don't know)
Then why do you call me to a ups site when you are a garbage man?Unlike you i don't need anyone helping me. I fight my own battles!
In the Teamster world it's called sanitation and there is a huge amount of brothers and sisters in sanitation.. Is there something wrong with being in sanitation? Do you think they are beneath you for some reason?Then why do you call me to a ups site when you are a garbage man?
I was a garbage man before I was a ups driver son. I was very proud of this as well until I was laid off. I did this with my part time job at United Parcel service. So see I have experienced both but you are lacking in one category. Why are you on this ups site again?In the Teamster world it's called sanitation and there is a huge amount of brothers and sisters in sanitation.. Is there something wrong with being in sanitation? Do you think they are beneath you for some reason?
And i don't "call you" to a UPS site .. whatever that means