The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
I was a garbage man before I was a ups driver son. I was very proud of this as well until I was laid off. I did this with my part time job at United Parcel service. So see I have experienced both but you are lacking in one category. Why are you on this ups site again?
A self proclaimed "metro" like yourself in sanitation ??? I'm sure that way before the manicures and eyebrow threading huh ??
And i'm here because i can! Last i heard the internet is free to roam. Isn't silly of you to ask that question?

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
After I got laid off as a garbage man I workerd For Central Transport as a dock worker. So I have triple the experience you do bag. Why are you on this ups site again? Let's see I got the Freight Sanitation And UPS experience.
My whole Teamster career has been spent in one craft. I didn't have to move around to different jobs like you.. What have all those jobs done for your experience as a UPS'r or a Teamster ? Unless you represent those crafts (freight and sanitation) it's useless for you to even mention it!


Well-Known Member
Look Columbo you and those donkeys have been trying to pin me down for a while now.. You think i don't know what tactics your using to find my identity.. I'll tell you this much, You think you know who i am, but you honestly don't know. You and the rest of the bozos have named some names, said we have posted under different names but you have no idea... I've been told that someone's wife is an IT specialist (Thats a lie i know what she does) and has everyone here pinned down to the exact address they are posting from... Really ??? You think we are that stupid to think that accusation has any substance .... Unless you have a federal subpoena and a search warrant from the government to my service provider you will never really know who we are... It's not my fault that your narcissism put you in the position to have to reveal yourself on these boards...
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That's what I thought........ You deserve a big fat troll badge for following me from T-Net and trolling me here. You keep hiding on the internet sissy.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this is the same sentiment you use while "protecting" members at UPS!
You've been trained well by your pushover BA's!

You are complete tool, first you call me out about contract enforcement and once I have proof to back it up you change the subject to some fairy tail. You really think managers pay tens of thousands of dollars in grievances per year and violate the contract because they don't fear me? Really? You being a troll from another craft is showing. Everyone here knows what UPS is like and it is obvious you have no idea. I will keep protecting members rights while you troll lies on the internet and we will see at election time who is just.

Ok let's level the playing field tuff stuff. You know my name and where I work why don't you IM me your info..........

Silent Bang................ (crickets)

It's ok, I can wait until the Local election to see if you wuss out or put you name on the line. It is easy to criticize when you are an internet TROLL but until you actually do something in the real world you are not a concern to me.

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
It's ok, I can wait until the Local election to see if you wuss out or put you name on the line. It is easy to criticize when you are an internet TROLL but until you actually do something in the real world you are not a concern to me.
Looks to me like i am a concern to you... A huge concern to you and the local ...
Looks like you were egging me on earlier and now i'm not a "concern" to you? Where are the crickets now?
My whole Teamster career has been spent in one craft. I didn't have to move around to different jobs like you.. What have all those jobs done for your experience as a UPS'r or a Teamster ? Unless you represent those crafts (freight and sanitation) it's useless for you to even mention it!
Well bag it's made me quite rounded which helps me in my quest to help members and be a good teamster. It's also made me understand how many things a ups teamster has going for him/her bag. I'm not some bag like you coming to a ups site knowing nothing and jerking everyone around.
A self proclaimed "metro" like yourself in sanitation ??? I'm sure that way before the manicures and eyebrow threading huh ??
And i'm here because i can! Last i heard the internet is free to roam. Isn't silly of you to ask that question?
I've never had a manicure or and eyebrow anything. I'm a metro because 9 out of ten women prefer me to you. Probably dudes too. I look good feel good and have confidence that mak me even more attractive. You seem like a hater. Just because you live in moms basement and I'm living the dream doesn't me I'm the source of you feeling like a failure or a wimp because you can't won't run for anything any hide on an anonymous Internet forum. You hate me because I'm legit and your a fraud. Sorry for your misfortune
It's ok, I can wait until the Local election to see if you wuss out or put you name on the line. It is easy to criticize when you are an internet TROLL but until you actually do something in the real world you are not a concern to me.
He/she never been I'll put their name on the line. He/she is a coward.

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
I've never had a manicure or and eyebrow anything. I'm a metro because 9 out of ten women prefer me to you. Probably dudes too. I look good feel good and have confidence that mak me even more attractive. You seem like a hater. Just because you live in moms basement and I'm living the dream doesn't me I'm the source of you feeling like a failure or a wimp because you can't won't run for anything any hide on an anonymous Internet forum. You hate me because I'm legit and your a fraud. Sorry for your misfortune
Here we go!! ha ha ha ha !!
Your like one of these internet romeos that claim to be something that your not... Your probably 300lbs of fat and your out here trying to convince people your a prince charming .... ha ha ha ha !!!! You know how silly this post is?? You and laguna toot your own horns way too much ! Hilarious !! ha ha ha ha !!
Dudes too ! ha ha ha ha !!!
Here we go!! ha ha ha ha !!
Your like one of these internet romeos that claim to be something that your not... Your probably 300lbs of fat and your out here trying to convince people your a prince charming .... ha ha ha ha !!!! You know how silly this post is?? You and laguna toot your own horns way too much ! Hilarious !! ha ha ha ha !!
Whatever you want to spin it. You are still a troll who slings garbage who comes to a ups site. You are a king of trash. Have fun tonight in moms basement.