
Well-Known Member
I get the point Son of Sam was trying to make that not only TDU followers have run against H, but he's inaccurate by claiming the "majority" of TU was on the Gegare 2011 slate. TU has 14 announced candidates of which 2 were on Gegare 2011. If you think that's a majority you shouldn't be allowed out.
That is what Sam is know for, throw it against the wall to see what sticks.


Well-Known Member
I'm counterpointing you my friend. I agree and I don't believe for a second the golf trips were 100% self pay. But I do think the job for the developmentally challenged cousin charge was weak on the IRB's part. They got plenty on RA, they just piled on... much like an employer we all know.

I don't believe for one second those two Eurepeon Golf trips were 100% self pay either,... And I think the guy out of Michigan K.M might be in some deep doo doo too!... It's crap like this that makes it hard to organize, ......people here about corruption and they want know part of a union,... If this pans out to be true they need banned for life, and jail,..........js


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That is what Sam is know for, throw it against the wall to see what sticks.
Isn't that what you cheerleaders do, repeatedly?

And now accusing someone else of doing that just doesn't seem kosher coming from the "LARRY" of the 3 cheerleaders.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Interesting read,...take your time it's a lot to absorb, I've read it and I'm going over it again, be prepared, it's gonna pis you off,........js
When a company asks for an OG VP from halfway across the US to come and help THE COMPANY get their deal through, you know the workers are screwed.


Well-Known Member
When a company asks for an OG VP from halfway across the US to come and help THE COMPANY get their deal through, you know the workers are screwed.

Agree,......... I'm wondering who paid for these private trips to Ireland and Scotland,... I would bet the house they didn't pay 100%, out of pocket, also there's talk that there were about ten that went,...
I remember a quote from RA ( it's not cheating and lying unless you get caught,)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Agree,......... I'm wondering who paid for these private trips to Ireland and Scotland,... I would bet the house they didn't pay 100%, out of pocket, also there's talk that there were about ten that went,...
I remember a quote from RA ( it's not cheating and lying unless you get caught,)
The house the H built.

Liars, thieves and thugs.


Well-Known Member
... also there's talk that there were about ten that went,...
So now "there's talk"? Really, from who? Are you hearing voices? Why don't you go to a quiet room, take off your "I hate all incumbents" hat, and read the footnotes on pages 4 and 5. Then tell us who the ten Teamsters are.
No one can excuse anything RA allegedly did but how about waiting for his side of the story before you crucify?
And then every now and then post some real facts, not imaginary ramblings. Who knows, you might stumble into the credibility zone.


Well-Known Member
So now "there's talk"? Really, from who?

Everyone is talking about it, here and all over different Facebook pages,.....get your head out the sand!

take off your "I hate all incumbents"

I don't hate all incumbents,....only the corrupt ones,.... its sad, some let greed and power rule their thinking!

Then tell us who the ten Teamsters are.

I'm not allowed to say names,...Leadbelly rats on me,.... but here's their initials,.. J.H-W.S-K.M-R.L-C.B-G.T-S.M-E.S-R.A-
nine out of ten, and I said ( about ten )...... just be happy that I didn't use your name,. :)

No one can excuse anything RA allegedly did

Sounds like to me your making excuses for him,........js
his side of the story before you crucify?

He doesn't have to worry about little o'me,....nope,.......his worries is with the IRB

post some real facts
everything I said was true,.....

credibility zone.
I have more credibility than most of you Hof supporters, I don't lie, you my friend like to twist peoples words!


Well-Known Member
Everyone is talking about it, here and all over different Facebook pages,.....get your head out the sand!
Reread your post or is it past your attention span? I specifically questioned your claim of "also there's talk that there were about ten that went". I then asked you to name the supposed Teamsters. Of your list only five match the initials of real Teamsters, that the IRB claims went on two separate trips. The others initials you listed are Fund vendors. So much for your "facts".
I have more credibility than most of you Hof supporters, I don't lie, you my friend like to twist peoples words!
I don't know if you're lying or not, only you know what you "know". I just see you as an inaccurate poster, that scatter shoots back when corrected. Comically, because I correct your inaccuracies, I'm now your target. Even more funny is you still think you "know" who I support.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Everyone is talking about it, here and all over different Facebook pages,.....get your head out the sand!

I don't hate all incumbents,....only the corrupt ones,.... its sad that some let greed and power rule their thinking!

I'm not allowed to say names,...Leadbelly rats on me,.... but here's their initials,.. J.H-W.S-K.M-R.L-C.B-G.T-S.M-E.S-R.A-
nine out of ten, and I said ( about ten )...... just be happy that I didn't use your name. :)

Sounds like to me your making excuses for him........js

He doesn't have to worry about little o'me,....nope,.......his worries is with the IRB

everything I said was true,.....

I have more credibility than most of you Hof supporters, I don't lie, you my friend like to twist peoples words!
So true.

All of it.

Can you smell their despiration?

They will have the convention, but this fall, it is time for them to pay the piper for all their misdeeds.


Well-Known Member
Reread your post or is it past your attention span? I specifically questioned your claim of "also there's talk

I know what I posted,... ( also there's talk ) meaning---- its all over social media!!!

Of your list only five match the initials of real Teamsters,

1. J.H 2. R.A 3. R.L 4. D.L 5.K.M 6.W.S 7.S.M the other two, Ed S. from Labor Benefits, and G.T En.TR so YOUR counting is off just a bit, But hey who's counting,....Its not like your protecting anybody now are you? so much for your facts,....hmm

because I correct your inaccuracies
I just corrected your inaccuracies,..........js

I don't know if you're lying or not
I don't lie,.... but you like to twist peoples words,...I've seen you do it many times,..........

think you "know" who I support.

Its pretty obvious,....don't ya think?
inaccurate poster,

Nope,.... I speak the truth, you Hof supporters don't like to be called out on H & H's failures, or the corruption, or the pension disasters in all crafts, let alone the 18 supplements that the members voted down,... ON HIS WATCH!!!!

it is what it is gamie,..... you might want to start re-thinking your alliance,........js

have a good night, :)
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Well-Known Member
1. J.H 2. R.A 3. R.L 4. D.L 5.K.M 6.W.S 7.S.M

I just corrected your inaccuracies,..........js
Not quite, and instead once again you've shown your weakness of not knowing what you think you know. Your #2 was not on the IRB list. #3 is not a Teamster. But keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I know what I posted,... ( also there's talk ) meaning---- its all over social media!!!

1. J.H 2. R.A 3. R.L 4. D.L 5.K.M 6.W.S 7.S.M the other two, Ed S. from Labor Benefits, and G.T En.TR so YOUR counting is off just a bit, But hey who's counting,....Its not like your protecting anybody now are you? so much for your facts,....hmm

I just corrected your inaccuracies,..........js

I don't lie,.... but you like to twist peoples words,...I've seen you do it many times,..........

Its pretty obvious,....don't ya think?

Nope,.... I speak the truth, you Hof supporters don't like to be called out on H & H's failures, or the corruption, or the pension disasters in all crafts, let alone the 18 supplements that the members voted down,... ON HIS WATCH!!!!

it is what it is gamie,..... you might want to start re-thinking your alliance,........js

have a good night, :)
There ya go taking your ball and going home. So long.


Well-Known Member
Not quite, and instead once again you've shown your weakness of not knowing what you think you know. Your #2 was not on the IRB list. #3 is not a Teamster. But keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I know plenty,...#3 has been at the IBT for years and years, years and Political adviser to H,
Not sure if he's been paying dues all these years or not, it would be interesting to find out,....
Nick pick all you want, counting the En-trust guy and the Labor Benefits guy, they had close ties to Hof, to go on such an extravagant trip,... Maybe you should fix your 'broken clock'..... :)

A swing and a hit!!
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