Not quite, and instead once again you've shown your weakness of not knowing what you think you know. Your #2 was not on the IRB list. #3 is not a Teamster. But keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Hmmm, so you admit to not knowing accurate info (see bold above), as I claimed, and consider that a swing and a hit? That's an E-9 all day third stringer.I know plenty,...#3 has been at the IBT for years and years, years and Political adviser to H,
Not sure if he's been paying dues all these years or not, it would be interesting to find out,....
Nick pick all you want, counting the En-trust guy and the Labor Benefits guy, they had close ties to Hof, to go on such an extravagant trip,... Maybe you should fix your 'broken clock'.....
A swing and a hit!!
BTW, EnTrust has no hyphen and it's not "nick" pick, it's "nit" pick, you know like "nit wit", a term that has been accurately used to describe many of your kind.
See a nice simple swing by ITG and it's out of the park.
Keep swinging hard slugger, you're bound to hit one some day...