Having spent my entire summer in front of the T.V. that year( was bartending at the time), friend. Lee didn't matter in so far as the verdict. The most riveting moment in that trial was 'The Glove' moment. "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit."
As far as Casey is concerned, she is guilty. As was O.J. But, the prosecution's job is to PROVE she murdered her child. They didn't prove it. We all know it, but that is different. We all know O.J. murdered his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. The prosecution didn't prove it, though.
If she were any other color, the outcome would have been different. Sad. I still don't believe the prosecution proved their case, though.
How about explaining how Lacy Peterson was killed by Scott Peterson? What was the murder weapon? What was the nature of the murder? What did her autopsy prove? Was there DNA evidence? Where was she killed? When was she killed?
The only answer that was proven in that capitol murder case was WHY.
He had an affair, he was telling this other woman that he wanted to marry her and take care of her daughter. This other woman had no idea he was married.
The rest of the case was pure speculation of circumstances that added up to a conviction. If all the arrows point to you, then the prosecution proved the case.
They DONT need exact proof of death.
Reasonable doubt means you have to weigh out the evidence and think it out, is it reasonable that someone other than Scott Peterson or Casey Anthony murdered the other person?
Just because they dont have videotape of the murder doesnt mean there can be reasonable doubt.
Is it reasonable that a stranger killed Caylee Anthony? The answer is NO. Rule that out. Is it reasonable that her mother killed Caylee Anthony? The answer is NO. Rule that out. Is it reasonable that Roy Kronk killed Caylee Anthony? The answer is NO. Rule that out. Is it reasonable that Lee Anthony killed Caylee Anthony? The answer is NO. Rule that out. Is it reasonable that George Anthony killed Caylee Anthony? The answer is NO. Rule that out.
Now, ask yourself, Is it reasonable that Casey Anthony killed Caylee Anthony? ( motive, method, opportunity, being last to see her) The answer is YES. Now, keeping this in mind, you have to take each piece of evidence and ADD that up in one column. Its the ADDITION of all the facts of the case that confirm or affirm a reasonable certainty that CASEY ANTHONY was guilty as in the Scott Peterson case.
The 31 days in the begining tells the story. The numerous boyfriends in that same period defines her guilt. Most of them didnt even know she had a child. She NEVER mentioned to them she even had a child. This during a period where CAYLEE ANTHONY was already dead.
Can anyone name anything she did to look for her child during the 31 days? Answer NO. Can anyone prove their was a conspiracy between Casey Anthony and George Anthony? Answer NO.
Throw that out the window. YOU cant guess that this happened as this jury seems to believe.
The jury got it wrong. They misunderstood the instructions. The prosecution didnt have to prove to the letter how caylee died, all the had to prove was that casey anthony had the motive, the opportunity, access to the child, access to all the evidence found, access to the area where the baby was found, and more importantly, how her integrity played into all the circumstances.
Verdict: Guilty.
Is it reasonable that Casey Anthony didnt cause the death of her child whether through neglect or murder? Answer NO.