Any other locals signing petitions? -On topic


Frankie's Friend

I've told this story before.

A local neighbor asked me, if I could get his son on at UPS.

My answer was no, he has to go through the same process as everyone else.

I mentioned, if he could make 30 days and gain seniority I would "check up"

on him. He lasted a day and a half. A week later.... he said his interests really were

in IT work. His 18 year old, 5'7" son (who tops 350) couldn't understand why

UPS didn't respect his "aptitude" for computer science.


That's what we are dealing with.

With our entrance pay scale we aren't attracting and retaining the best of the best anymore.

People see ups as a solid company, one with good benefits and pay but why should someone get up at 2:30-3:00 am to be guaranteed 3.5 hours with no benefits, no vacations for a year, gross a daily guaranteed $40 after dues and $50/month x3 months initiation fees are extracted? Gross $40/day but wait....

You are "on call" for 6-12 months. So you wont work every day. Even with the high turn over you won't work every day even if you've been there a year. Then the company screws the new members by having supes sneak to do as much hourly work as they can get away with.

The starting pt time wage is a joke.

Do you think, in these "members minds" that there's value to coming to a union meeting on Saturday or Sunday when they are still working another job to pay the bills?

It's now a throw away job. Taco Bell in our area pays at least $11/hour to start with no union dues, no initiation fees, less stress and for those who need a fill in job it makes more sense. And, you can work an 8 hr shift.

The public constantly comments on how late we drivers work now and when we open our back doors to unload deliveries and they see our work load bricked out they say "screw that", shake their head and move on.

Now that the media has for months posted many members negativity about this cba and the contract was pushed through by ibt "leadership" precipitating wide spread anger the Teamsters public image is tarnished far beyond the perceived mob controlled and government scrutinized mindset.

Facts are that our solidarity is all talk and leadership forms alliances to prop up their jobs with people representing voting membership instead of people who understand and have done our jobs.

The full time job at ups pays well but today many despise their work assignments. Job satisfaction is scarce. Attitudes are not as positive as they were 20+ years ago.

It's time for the membership to look where we're heading. I don't think Teamcare can fix the prevalence of Teamster solidarity sickness and it's now bleeding from the top down.

Btw: at the local membership meeting our local pres/ba announced that the ups contract "passed" to which he was rebuked and the membership was enlightened to the facts. Many eboard members later said they didnt agree with what ibt "leadership" did to "pass" the contract. The pres/ba would never sign or support a petition that put him at odds with his buddies...even tho he recently announced that he no longer supports Hoffa. Puppets abound.
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Well-Known Member
People should just stop, with all this SJW internet Antifa nonsense.

Sign a petition, start a "go fund me" account to hire an attorney, march on the

IBT blowing whistles.... this is descending into lunacy.

Get off your phone, the internet, and your game console, and show up at a

Union meeting. Volunteer to help your Local organize new members.

The members lack of interest and ignorance.... is on full display.

And it's embarrassing.


We did and the union stabbed us in the back. Shills said o ya great deal vote yes. We say no and they say :censored2: you.


Well-Known Member
The UPS members could have changed history, but they chose to sit this one out.

Member complacency is the enemy.... not the Teamster leadership.


I believe this is totally flawed thinking. While it is true we had less than the 50%+1 turn out, we did have the highest voter turn out for any of the contracts that I have been at UPS for (this one being my 3rd). There was a huge push by the Union and Company for a yes vote while an outside push for a no vote.

I believe the IBT got the exact results they wanted and expected. They increased the voter turn out from previous ballots while not having enough vote to be forced to respect the voice of the voting majority if they so choose to. Supplements that were shot down in the past went out for at least one more vote. And contracts that were passed with less than a 50%+1 were never argued because the belief of the majority ruled.

Roughly 65%, give or take a few, are part time work force here. And of that amount of our work force, what percentage do you think actually have more than one year seniority? It is a constant revolving door of PT workers with very few staying a year much less vested after 5. They are not going to vote and traditionally never have, the leadership knows this.

That is why the leadership is flawed. They knew that they could "interpret" the constitution both to renegotiate (as they have in the past on supplementals) or force through what they wanted. Rather than choosing to listen to the majority of the dues paying membership, they imposed their own agenda. Defenders of the IBT can point fingers in any direction they want, like they have been. But when given the choice to listen to members they ignored it. That is why the discontent of the membership can squarely be laid on IBT leadership in my opinion, because of their decision to ignore us.


Got the T-Shirt
While it is true we had less than the 50%+1 turn out, we did have the highest voter turn out for any of the contracts that I have been at UPS

More members turned out.... but not enough.

I believe the IBT got the exact results they wanted and expected.

That's far.... from what the the IBT wanted.

The members were dealt their hand, and will "now" deal with it.

Rather than choosing to listen to the majority of the dues paying membership, they imposed their own agenda.

There is no agenda.

It's funny;

UPS members think.... they are the only Teamsters with a contract.


Frankie's Friend

More members turned out.... but not enough.

That's far.... from what the the IBT wanted.

The members were dealt their hand, and will "now" deal with it.

There is no agenda.

It's funny;

UPS members think.... they are the only Teamsters with a contract.

Constant reminders of a looming strike when you voted. I wonder how many saw or heard that threat when they attempted to register their vote and decided not to vote.

No enlightenment about the 50% rule in that message.

How many people come to ups or any closed shop job because it's a union job? My guess is they came there because the company is strong and there are always openings. To the outside job seeker Ups is considered a good place to work.

The ibt played games like they did last time with the healthcare, allowing 2 whole regions to vote on the majority's healthcare but not being subject to it...
and members then were required to spend an extra year in "progression" because of it.

We're all just pawns in the game. Most just want to work a job and go home, not getting involved in union activities until some supe abuses them or they get pay or advancement (seniority rights) shorted. Then they "get it".

You can avoid talking about the psychological games that are used to keep the sheep in the pen (Tony Q, et al) but it doesnt change the result.

More anger and more apathy was cultivated this time than last. People who are so called leaders should be ashamed but they are not.

Any union businesses out there sell tar and feathers? We need a semi load today.
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Well-Known Member
The UPS members could have changed history, but they chose to sit this one out.

Member complacency is the enemy.... not the Teamster leadership.

Agreed. MLK comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
The UPS members could have changed history, but they chose to sit this one out.

Member complacency is the enemy.... not the Teamster leadership.


The Union is the voice. The Voice had a different agenda (in bed with each other)
I bet everything I have that if the members knew it was the last and final offer and all the BS about a Strike and get a worse contract, and TRULY Educated the members the vote would be way over 50% and Lots more on the NO side.
Again, many many NEW under a year (bet this number is very high) thought it didn't matter to vote because UPS said vote yes, and Union said vote yes.... Do you really want to be stuck in the middle pissing both sides off, with under a year??? I bet the numbers are staggering the amount of UPS employees under 1 year of service... WHY LOW WAGES,


Well-Known Member
People should just stop, with all this SJW internet Antifa nonsense.

Sign a petition, start a "go fund me" account to hire an attorney, march on the

IBT blowing whistles.... this is descending into lunacy.

Get off your phone, the internet, and your game console, and show up at a

Union meeting. Volunteer to help your Local organize new members.

The members lack of interest and ignorance.... is on full display.

And it's embarrassing.

Um what? Ba's make over 65k a year, that is their job, union Prezes make over 100k a year, that is their job. Who the :censored2: do you think you work for excatly? So members need to work their regular jobs and in their spare time go round up new members and educate existing members? Gtfooh.

Kicked Your Dog

25 Year UPSer/SoCal Feeder
The UPS members could have changed history, but they chose to sit this one out.

Member complacency is the enemy.... not the Teamster leadership.

Most of the complacency is out of acceptance for the offer. I’m good with ratifying based on our constitutions rules. Let the whiners walk.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The UPS members could have changed history, but they chose to sit this one out.

Member complacency is the enemy.... not the Teamster leadership.

Member complacency is a direct result of teamster leadership.

You complain about members lack of interest in the same breath you complain about them organizing a petition. Sounds like that's membership interest to me.

The truth is it's not the interest the leadership wants.

Your responses are a textbook picture of the disconnect between membership and leadership.
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