Any scavengers out there?

Rescues make the best dogs.

Curious. Have you ever found a load of firewood & taken that home too?
No actually taking stuff home can be a tricky area. If you aren't on break and they question you about it they can trip you up and and fire you for stealing time. We had a guy get :censored2: canned over it. He was out two months. It's nice to find things but I would do it on break and always clear it with your sup. it's in the contract at least in my area that you can't use the company vehicle for picking up personal items.


Fugitive From Reality
No actually taking stuff home can be a tricky area. If you aren't on break and they question you about it they can trip you up and and fire you for stealing time. We had a guy get :censored2: canned over it. He was out two months. It's nice to find things but I would do it on break and always clear it with your sup. it's in the contract at least in my area that you can't use the company vehicle for picking up personal items.
Sorry. Thought you were someone I knew.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I find tools and bungee cords in the road all the time, the best was a Snap-on ratchet. I had one consignee set a perfectly good sofa out on his front porch after he remodeled, he didn't have a way to haul it off. I went back after work that night and took it.


Staff member
Hell, Sober puts livestock in the back of his---why can't I put a couple of pieces of patio furniture in mine?

I once put a wood chipper that I borrowed from a customer in the back of the truck to bring home.

Shoot, I bought a 36 foot extension ladder on route and hauled it home in a 500!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I honestly thought I'd be pretty alone on this one. Maybe it was growing up more on the poor side but I can't pass up lumber or scratched up wooden furniture. Sadly though, my route is in the heart of the south side ghetto. So I have to pick wisely where I want to go scavenge after work in the dark.

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Retired 23 years
I hauled everything from canoes to motorcycles to tons of building materials in the back of my UPS truck. The trick is to not load it up so much that you can't fit your pick ups in. I also had this "thing" about not being able to pass up a bungee strap laying in the road. I must still have a 100 of them that I turned around to pick up. I also have a huge collection of life jackets. A lot of my route was delivering around the lakes and you would be surprised at the number of people who think a life jacket just laying in the bottom of their boat going 60 mph down the highway would stay there.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I found a contractor-grade sledgehammer laying in the road one time, one of the heavy duty ones with a fiberglass handle. They run about $40 at a hardware store. I also have a heavy duty wheelbarrow that I bought for $5 at a garage sale on my route over 20 years ago, I stuck it under the shelf and finished my route with it in the back.

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Retired 23 years
I found a contractor-grade sledgehammer laying in the road one time, one of the heavy duty ones with a fiberglass handle. They run about $40 at a hardware store. I also have a heavy duty wheelbarrow that I bought for $5 at a garage sale on my route over 20 years ago, I stuck it under the shelf and finished my route with it in the back.

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Was that the one Miley was licking in "Wrecking Ball?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Nice find today. Customer had just put it out and was making a "free" sign. Sorry it's sideways. This site turns my pics sometimes.


Man of Great Wisdom
One of my customers had a small sized fridge out front for free. People thought it was a freezer and no one took it. It's been in my shed full of ice cold beverages for several years.