Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

There‘s a lot to be learned from the Depression era folks that are left. Hopefully, we won’t have to resort to these methods.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Do we trust Powell and the Fed Presidents to thread the needle of raising rates, protecting employment, lowering inflation and minimizing the likelihood of a recession? We could follow the Arthur Burns or Paul Volcker blueprints on how to deal with inflation, but I don't think we want panic to creep in.
Do we trust Powell and the Fed Presidents to thread the needle of raising rates, protecting employment, lowering inflation and minimizing the likelihood of a recession? We could follow the Arthur Burns or Paul Volcker blueprints on how to deal with inflation, but I don't think we want panic to creep in.
There's going to be a recession regardless

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
So now Target comes out with lower forward guidance and warns because of overstock, they will have to slash prices this summer and into the start of the school year to level out inventories. CEO hinted this should spread across most retailers and will affect profitability of the entire sector. Are these guys that blind. Better not bigger?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So now Target comes out with lower forward guidance and warns because of overstock, they will have to slash prices this summer and into the start of the school year to level out inventories. CEO hinted this should spread across most retailers and will affect profitability of the entire sector. Are these guys that blind. Better not bigger?
I don’t think anyone anticipated it would get this bad, this fast.