When your bank says no, champion says YES
Well whether jindal "doubled down" (haha like that expression) incorrectly or not, I read the article about the British family who wanted to bury their family member next to a Muslim and the Muslim family '
a brick'.... I'm not opposed to Islam nor do I wish to oppress freedom of religion, however from what I've seen, the self proclaimed "religion of peace" sure does know how to start some stuff, very primitive minded, medevil ways of thinking on their part, and yes I understand all Muslims are not like this but the ones that are really leave an impression on me and many Americans, so forgive me anyone if I am now sensitive as an American who loves America to the very primitive behaviors of certain Muslims, and I say if they don't like the way things are in America,no one should change anything for anyone, not just Muslims, anyone , and if anyone has issue with this then I say go try and live somewhere else in the world and I promise you'll learn how good ya got it living here reaaaal fast