oh really? Let's take a look at that...
This is what you said.
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This next gem seems to indicate every job in the world. Especially since you felt the need to tell me lots of jobs in the world only make a couple bucks a day...
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And again.....
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Now you try and move the goal post after realizing you're wrong even though you tried to call me and others stupid...
I was not being hateful or smearing you...
Which is pretty much agreeing with you that we have one of the best paying tr

jobs/blue collar. But you wanted to be right so bad you double downed with all the crap I pointed out already.
Have a nice day.
I stand by my comments.
What really is interesting.....that you spent THAT MUCH time trying to smear me AGAIN!
WOW. That is pathetically odd!
So, we have one of the best blue collar jobs in the world. Even white shirt....I'll double down. I make more than just about anyone I know and have for 40 years. Not all. Example: Just spent the day with a life long friend. His CPA wife is a controller for a school district. Her salary is public info. I easily make a lot more. My Bro/Sister in laws.....one a teacher, other ATT blue collar guy.....I make much more. However, they were both offered lump sum payouts of their pensions....about the only advantage. With my Sis in law(teacher) always having to buy her own insurance....luckily they had his (ATT).....UPS's being free...well we all know how great IT IS....
Average Chinese worker makes $54k(slave labor not included). South Africa for example-$15k(random). 690 million people live on $1.90 a day(in the world).
I'm curious.....if this job is so average and there are many, many more jobs that pay much better and have much better benefits....why are you here and slumming it on BC? Why are you at a job giving away so much of your...uh...talent?
Again....just because you don't like what I said....doesn't make it wrong or inaccurate....you may have another opinion.
I was accused of making outlandish claims......let's see them. What you posted(of mine) isn't outlandish in any rational sense. Now, if you are hateful at any cost...I could see that.
It is very interesting you hating me for stating what a good(one of the best) job we share.....Now, that seems outlandish to me.