Anyone in the 177 get the Critical pension level status letter?


Got the T-Shirt
i'm behind 7 proxies

Tough guy.



According to the letter I received in the mail, the 2016 Plan Year is funded at 71.2% , 2015 at 70.5%, 2014 at 72.6%.

First off all, what happened in 2015 that the value dropped that much?

Secondly, I remember being at a 177 meeting (about a year ago or less) in which a representative (Actuary?) stated the fund was at about 78 % (memory is a little shaky here, could have been 77%).

Seems to me what the actuary said and what this letter says contradicts each other.


Well-Known Member
According to the letter I received in the mail, the 2016 Plan Year is funded at 71.2% , 2015 at 70.5%, 2014 at 72.6%.

First off all, what happened in 2015 that the value dropped that much?

Secondly, I remember being at a 177 meeting (about a year ago or less) in which a representative (Actuary?) stated the fund was at about 78 % (memory is a little shaky here, could have been 77%).

Seems to me what the actuary said and what this letter says contradicts each other.
Maybe the actuary had up to date pct's rather than year end reports.

Not sure on the L177 plan but the industry has absorbed several mortality table increases (people live longer) which stresses funded pcts. Also many multi employer plans are (prudently) lowering their assumed rate of return which changes forecasts and lowers funding pcts.

Conversely UPS's Plan (a single employer plan) used an 8.75 assumption rate making their plan appear to be over 100% funded. How much you wanna bet they won't hit 8.75 per year for the next 20 years?

One of the few things Congress has done correctly is force plan admins and Trustees to more accurately report pension plans status.
According to the letter I received in the mail, the 2016 Plan Year is funded at 71.2% , 2015 at 70.5%, 2014 at 72.6%.

First off all, what happened in 2015 that the value dropped that much?

Secondly, I remember being at a 177 meeting (about a year ago or less) in which a representative (Actuary?) stated the fund was at about 78 % (memory is a little shaky here, could have been 77%).

Seems to me what the actuary said and what this letter says contradicts each other.
I was at the May meeting in 2016... The Acturary never said we are at 78%. He said we are at 70.5%.


Well-Known Member
What exactly does this letter mean in English? Now is our pension failing like all the rest of them? From what I could ascertain from the letter it says beginning this year (2017) the pension is in critical status. So we gave deferred raises, and the pension is still failing? What's to stop all these locals from just jumping on the failing pension bandwagon? This is ridiculous IMO.

If I remember correctly the raises for the current contract weren't even deferred, we gave half back for the pension, and it's now failing. SMDH
Go to your local union meeting. They explained that and so much more last time.


I was at the May meeting in 2016... The Acturary never said we are at 78%. He said we are at 70.5%.

The only thing that rings a bell with regards to 70.5% was the 7.5% (one decimal point to the left) return the actuary was assuming that the plan would enjoy throughout the coming years.


Exactly 1 pension day being paid by ups and 2 people collecting pensions for that day

The more dead days you take , the less money you collect or the more days you have to work the make the pension money that you would have made had you not taken the dead days to begin with.

Zero sum game.


Nine Lives
Ask monkey butt what happen when he started to get "too big for his britches" on here when he was posting things he shouldn't have and the " talking to" he got from his superiors....
TIR has not revealed his identity as far as I know ... he should be OK.
I got talked to by three different people who are no longer employed by UPS.


Well-Known Member
Central States letter 4/27/17
Notice of Critical and Declining Status. Same as last year.
2016 Funding. Pension fund has just 42.1% of assets need to fund our current and pending pension obligations.
Plan is projected to be insolvent in 2025.
The PGC's maximum guarantee, therefore, is $ 35.75 per month times a participants years of service.