Anyone in the 177 get the Critical pension level status letter?


Nine Lives
Was it one particular thing you said or were they just PO'ed you were on here at all???
We had a District Manager in I.S. who was very anti-BrownCafe.
I use to make references to him.
Said he was seen dancing in the Halls of Mahwah in a tutu ... I said it reminded me of the dancing hippos in Fantasia.
Then I said something about seeing him in the gym dressing room and understood now why no one called him "The Big Guy".
Mostly just goofing around.


Well-Known Member
We had a District Manager in I.S. who was very anti-BrownCafe.
I use to make references to him.
Said he was seen dancing in the Halls of Mahwah in a tutu ... I said it reminded me of the dancing hippos in Fantasia.
Then I said something about seeing him in the gym dressing room and understood now why no one called him "The Big Guy".
Mostly just goofing around.
Nobody wants to have fun anymore... everybody is uptight... life is too short, it's over before you know it


Well-Known Member
The more dead days you take , the less money you collect or the more days you have to work the make the pension money that you would have made had you not taken the dead days to begin with.

Zero sum game.

We had a driver who had to work 6 months past her eligible date to make up for all of the dead days that she took along the way.
So him taking a dead day doesn't change the pension contribution. If they run 50 routes then 50 guys pay in. The ones off don't. Doesn't matter which guy takes off.
You are guaranteed 8 hours in local 177... So if you have a center that has 48 routes day planned with 50 drivers that day, it would give you two overs... That's 16 less hours into the pension if they go home with no pay...


You are guaranteed 8 hours in local 177... So if you have a center that has 48 routes day planned with 50 drivers that day, it would give you two overs... That's 16 less hours into the pension if they go home with no pay...

True, but had the two drivers worked, they would have a larger claim on that same pension fund. So to me, it seems like the liabilities are increasing along with the pension fund when more drivers work.


nowhere special
That shouldn't make a difference. I can take a dead day and UPS pays the same amount or week into the fund on my behalf.
As long as you work 1 day a week UPS pays the full amount. One of the reasons why UPS will almost never bring in a driver on Friday who hasn't worked all week regardless of how much they need someone.
As long as you work 1 day a week UPS pays the full amount. One of the reasons why UPS will almost never bring in a driver on Friday who hasn't worked all week regardless of how much they need someone.
But we did need a minimum amount if hours to get a full years pension credit. I wanna say 1600 hours but I may be mistaken.
True, but had the two drivers worked, they would have a larger claim on that same pension fund. So to me, it seems like the liabilities are increasing along with the pension fund when more drivers work.
A pension liabilitie is when someone is no longer putting into the pension when they are taking or not eligible to take. They are not a liabilitie yet... Which lowers the % at the end of the year...
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