No It's not green grocer!
I was having a problem last oct. (08) with sups saying I had misloads I know for a fact I check my trucks before I leave I went a whole year with no warnings or nothing i had maybe 1-2 misloads a month if that, and now here it is oct again and i had 6 misloads in one week and only worked 4 days last week and they could not even show me the misloaded packages there excuse was it got delivered the problem is sups are running us part timers off the belt and loading what packages are left outside the car and also they are down in the unload (the sups) flipping up labels that is causing us to have the **** shoved down our throats and stacking out packages. i always sign under protest on all misloads they say i have .
any advice or help?
File a grievance every time a sup touches a package. That is hourly work abd should not be performed by a supervisor. Penalty for Sups working id double pay for all time worked up to 2 hours.