Anyone seen these package car cameras yet?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
lol, I've been writing up my horn for 4 days now because its broken. still no fix, but you can bet your ass i got a brand new camera installed 2 days ago.

That package car needs to be red tagged. A working horn is a DOT requirement on a CMV.

Write it up as safety and red tagged, being non-DOT compliant. You'll see how fast that horn gets fixed.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
I'm with you on that . So far it's been a good place to retire from . That pension is nice but we truly earned it. They say "big brother" is always watching . I think UPS has taken it to another level with these in cab cameras. It's another tool they can use to harass you with. I wonder what's next ?
Rectal cams to make sure you are really pooping when sitting on the toilet for an extended length of time.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Besides putting cameras in package cars, we now have cameras inside the dumpsters at all the Atlanta Hubs. I have a friend that works in Loss Prevention, they had nothing to do with it and weren't even told about installation. The trash company wants to know how full they are before they send a driver to empty them.


nowhere special
Besides putting cameras in package cars, we now have cameras inside the dumpsters at all the Atlanta Hubs. I have a friend that works in Loss Prevention, they had nothing to do with it and weren't even told about installation. The trash company wants to know how full they are before they send a driver to empty them.
Are those like the $20,000 trash cans in SF?


Part on order, ok to drive
What is the 814? Is that the spot its parked? If so I wish more drivers would do that when its practical. Helps a lot when covering another mechanics writeups...
lol, I've been writing up my horn for 4 days now because its broken. still no fix, but you can bet your ass i got a brand new camera installed 2 days ago.

Unacceptable, horn is a FED item, if your mechanic is ignoring safety write ups you need to go get your steward and refuse to drive it. Mechanics playing superhero and keeping unsafe trucks in the line is the tech equivalent of a runner gunner. Those guys hurt us and hurt the company. I know our small center mechanics are under intense pressure but it's his responsibility to keep unsafe trucks off the road until fixed and its managements problem to provide replacement trucks


Well-Known Member
lol, I've been writing up my horn for 4 days now because its broken. still no fix, but you can bet your ass i got a brand new camera installed 2 days ago.
It's a real simple solution. Once you verify your airs, close the door, perform your cold pre-trip, test your horn, then send message on diad that you are going to shop to fix horn, airs might be late.

Go to the shop, and wait.

If they cannot fix your horn, tell them you will need to offload and use another package car.

I guarantee they will jump into gear.

What happens when a kid walks in front of you or a car comes into your lane? Are they going to hear you shout?

What happens when the above happens and you try to explain that you have been driving the same vehicle with a broken horn, knowingly gone out on road?

That camera they installed cost multitudes more than the horn.
