The reason for the no audience rule was most clearly explained by my good colleague Cole where he said in a earlier post that when a bunch of Teamsters get into a small room that
"it could turn into a filibuster type atmosphere in a hurry if there is no control. Just take a look at the IBT conventions!" Since the digital video would be freely available online for anyone to view at anytime from their homes, the audience would be extended to everyone's home without the "filibuster atmosphere."
And are we speaking about the same James Hoffa? Cause the one you are describing should be able to walk on water, turn water to wine, and his
probably doesn't stink either. Were not talking bout the leader of the free world here. The arrogance you so proudly display will ultimately be the downfall in these next few months. That arrogance is what has prevented your entire organization from listening to your members' needs and complaints, and when honesty was needed only deception could be found. your arrogance has given your members at UPS the need for a new union. But keep maintaining the
status quo.
Business as usual at the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.