The truth is there is alot of poor representation, no doubt about it, but we the members have a large share in it, because we allow it to go on, and just verbally complain a little, and I know we feel we pay dues and work our
off, and the union should do what we pay for, but alot of times they don't, and it doesn't matter who your union is if we don't get dog nasty about poor representation, it will go as long as we allow it.
People get lazy and complacent, and if allowed they get cushy especially if they know little will be done by the members etc...
As far as continuoulsy bringing up 705's local, it should be noted if they have better language/pensions sure wasn't because they sat/sit back and say/said aw shucks they screwed us again, it's because they mobilized their members and said enough is enough!
When we learn how to do that then we will get better representation, but it wont happen by just making verbal complaints, and that's true be it Teamsters or APWA.
I'll even throw in some lawn mower blades and a kaiser blade(some call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade)
just bring some potted meats, and french fried taters ummm hmmm!