Here is my take/advice (after seeing this threads from a hell of a long time ago!)
Unload stands must be INSIDE the trailer, but not necessarily in use.
I have unloaded occasionally over the years. It is important to have a sturdy, reliable loadstand. If you are not given one, walk around the primary and find one. If management questions what you're doing, tell them your load stand is not suitable for work. Then he /she will run around and find one. If they do not (bad mood, disrespectful, unhelpful), and tell you to continue, respectfully tell them that you are going to find a shop steward and someone from saftey and document the fact that you are not given suitable equipment.
From managements point of view, you must have it there so they are covered incase you are injured. They can say the emplolyee had his/her tools for the job, and if you are hurt they provided you the necessary equipment to do the job and the employee knew to utilize it if necessary.