Are UPSers doing OK $ wise? Suggestions?

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Shot a cottontail in the backyard and fried it in a cast iron skillet, lightly salted with Canola.
$0.11 if you count pellet, electricity, salt\oil, soap & water.

I guess there is a cost with burning the entrails in the trash, so $0.000000001 for the match (or the same price as a :censored2:coin.)


Well-Known Member
Pretty sad that we think gas under 4 bucks a gallon is GREAT. I liked the Trump years when it was under 2 bucks a gallon.

Yeah man. It was great when almost everyone was laid off from their jobs, tons of business closed and only those “essential businesses” remained operational.


Well-Known Member
All those free money checks people thought were so great is long gone by now with these prices. All that free stuff and Biden's war on fossil fuels is costing us big time!
PPP and EIDL far more abused and costly than the stimulus checks, federal pandemic unemployment, and the child tax credit increase “free money”, of which the latter actually did contribute more to stimulate the economy.


Well-Known Member
Gas prices here in the PNW are still jacked. Weirdly less expensive at the small town gas stations out in the mountain and desert towns than it is at metropolitan interstate stations. Usually it’s the opposite.