Something beats nothing though. Aren’t you locked in for a number of years?Buy some I bonds
Saturday listI’m so broke
One year.Something beats nothing though. Aren’t you locked in for a number of years?
Keeping lots of cash,buying 20 pounds bags of rice and 5 pounds of beans weekly,and stocking up on silver bars and sierra nevadasWent to store didn’t get much but total was nearly $80. How are yall coping?
By grieving any supe working I see.Went to store didn’t get much but total was nearly $80. How are yall coping?
I don't think you're bare stockpile is too large the way you're drinking themKeeping lots of cash,buying 20 pounds bags of rice and 5 pounds of beans weekly,and stocking up on silver bars and sierra nevadas
need some water source out here.they tell us not shower to save water,but governer newsome wont close his winery down to save water since we are in such a major drought.I don't think you're bare stockpile is too large the way you're drinking them
That's crazyneed some water source out here.they tell us not shower to save water,but governer newsome wont close his winery down to save water since we are in such a major drought.
whats even more crazy is that a hole thinks he is going to be pres in 2024That's crazy
for sure lying face down in a pool of budwieserNo thanks ….I’d rather be broke!
P*No thanks ….I’d rather be broke!
the rate my massage spot chargesP*
That's over a dollar a minute
yeah sure it is…after taxes it’s minimum wageP*
That's over a dollar a minute
Pretty lazy rebuttal, old man. lolPeople die all the time ---Covid or not. No one gets out alive.
I ate as much free food as I can find on my route. Save me a lot of money at the grocery store