Not banana?No Gel. Tried them once and they were OK. My chiropractor told me no-no. And highly recommended Superfeet. My flavor is orange. Pretty nice too.
Not banana?
do they come in Raspberry?No Gel. Tried them once and they were OK. My chiropractor told me no-no. And highly recommended Superfeet. My flavor is orange. Pretty nice too.
Little richard?Sometimes you gotta mix up your fruits.
do they come in Raspberry?
Insoles should help.This thread couldn't have come at a better time. My feet have been killing me the last few weeks. The boots I wear are Timberlands. Don't think they're worn out yet, so might try some insoles. Just like most of the rest of ya, I'm not always the best at using 3 points of contact while exiting the PC, but I usually try to step somewhat gingerly out of the PC. Doesn't always happen though.
Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.
Yes, actually.
Tutti fruiti
How long do they last you?Red wings with the red wings arch support inserts. Very nice.