Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
The Constitution of Mexico - Chapter 2, Article 30, Paragraph II, completely extinguishes EVERY ARGUMENT which Mexican citizens who are illegally or legally present in the USA want to use to gain Citizenship for their child by attempting to wrap themselves and their newborn in the US Constitution....a document which only governs the rights bestowed upon a legal citizen of the USA.
Article 30 : - Mexican Nationality is acquired by Birth or by Naturalization.

a) Mexicans by Birth are:

I. Those born in the territory of the Republic, no matter what the nationality of their parents is;

II. Those born in foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory, a Mexican father born in national territory, or a Mexican mother born in national territory;

III. Those born in foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents by naturalization, of a Mexican father by naturalization, or of a Mexican mother by naturalization;

IV. Those born on board Mexican ships or aircraft, whether military or civil.


Staff member
If you can't see the connection, there is no way to help you.

LOL. Humor and educate me at the same time. Perhaps FARQ violence also is spilling over into AZ? Maybe Syrian mlitias are coming up throug Mexico? Or Russian special forces are training the Mexican Army for an eventual assault on the Southwest?


Für Meno :)
The Constitution of Mexico - Chapter 2, Article 30, Paragraph II, completely extinguishes EVERY ARGUMENT which Mexican citizens who are illegally or legally present in the USA want to use to gain Citizenship for their child by attempting to wrap themselves and their newborn in the US Constitution....a document which only governs the rights bestowed upon a legal citizen of the USA.
Article 30 : - Mexican Nationality is acquired by Birth or by Naturalization.

a) Mexicans by Birth are:

I. Those born in the territory of the Republic, no matter what the nationality of their parents is;

II. Those born in foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory, a Mexican father born in national territory, or a Mexican mother born in national territory;

III. Those born in foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents by naturalization, of a Mexican father by naturalization, or of a Mexican mother by naturalization;

IV. Those born on board Mexican ships or aircraft, whether military or civil.

Don't know why you posted the above. The US, Canada, Europe, and most countries I can think of have this law in place.
Just recently, at the Junior World Hockey event, 2 born US players were playing on the Canadian Team (born from Canadian parents, in the US).

Same as myself, I hold duo citizenship, because my parents were German, and I was born here.
I got 2 old German passports, and 2 Canadian passports (1 expired).

As you may know, the City of Calgary has over 100.000 Americans living in it. I'm sure they have children born here, and when they head back to the US, (or head to the US consulate in Calgary), they will become US citizens, too. (will also hold duo citizenship).


golden ticket member
Don't know why you posted the above. The US, Canada, Europe, and most countries I can think of have this law in place.
Just recently, at the Junior World Hockey event, 2 born US players were playing on the Canadian Team (born from Canadian parents, in the US).

Same as myself, I hold duo citizenship, because my parents were German, and I was born here.
I got 2 old German passports, and 2 Canadian passports (1 expired).

As you may know, the City of Calgary has over 100.000 Americans living in it. I'm sure they have children born here, and when they head back to the US, (or head to the US consulate in Calgary), they will become US citizens, too. (will also hold duo citizenship).

In CA., there isn't even dual driver's licenses.........
LOL. Humor and educate me at the same time. Perhaps FARQ violence also is spilling over into AZ? Maybe Syrian mlitias are coming up throug Mexico? Or Russian special forces are training the Mexican Army for an eventual assault on the Southwest?
The hope of educating you has faded in the distant sunset long ago and I figure you have your own methods of humoring yourself. Don't know what FARQ is or how it fits into the thread or the highjack.
The fact is mexican drug cartel executions are now happening in areas previously excluded ( at least from the media), i.e. tourists locations. It is also a fact that mexican drug cartels are ass deep in the illegal immigration situation. There are documented cases of Syrians and russians coming across the mexican boarder as well. So....what's your point?


Well-Known Member
The hope of educating you has faded in the distant sunset long ago and I figure you have your own methods of humoring yourself.

Don't know what FARQ is or how it fits into the thread or the highjack.
The fact is mexican drug cartel executions are now happening in areas previously excluded ( at least from the media), i.e. tourists locations. It is also a fact that mexican drug cartels are ass deep in the illegal immigration situation. There are documented cases of Syrians and russians coming across the mexican boarder as well. So....what's your point?

See if FARC rings a bell? I know it does with the CIA thanks to that evil whitehaired guy named Mendax and what he exposed!

You might also understand the relationship to this thread if you actually knew the history and present events going on south of the border but you're fixated with them coming here and yet never asking the more important question of why someone would be so desperate to leave their home, family, friends and travel K's of miles in the process to work in most cases menial jobs.


Strength through joy
Napolitano ignored radioactive material smuggled across U.S. borders
Using counterfeit documents and posing as employees of a company with a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license, [GAO] investigators successfully crossed the U.S. northern and southern borders with the type of radioactive materials that could be used to make a dirty bomb. – GAO Report to Congress.
The Government Accountability Office on occasion conducts covert tests known as “red team operations,” meaning the GAO does not notify agencies in advance about the testing.

“The government has conducted numerous vulnerability tests and they all appear to highlight the fact that our borders are porous not only to illegal aliens but also to terrorists, weapons of mass destruction and other contraband. Maybe Secretary [Janet] Napolitano [of the Homeland Security Department] should worry more about that than about guns being smuggled into Mexico,” said political strategist Mike Baker.
GAO investigators identified numerous border security vulnerabilities, both at ports of entry and at unmanned and unmonitored land border locations between the ports of entry. In testing ports of entry, undercover investigators carried counterfeit drivers’ licenses, birth certificates, employee identification cards, and other documents, presented themselves at ports of entry and sought admittance to the United States dozens of times.
They arrived in rental cars, on foot, by boat, and by airplane. They attempted to enter in four states on the northern border (Washington, New York, Michigan, and Idaho), three states on the southern border (California, Arizona, and Texas), and two other states requiring international air travel (Florida and Virginia).
In nearly every case, government inspectors accepted oral assertions and counterfeit identification provided by GAO undercover investigators as proof of U.S. citizenship and allowed them to enter the country. In total, undercover investigators made 42 crossings with a 93 percent success rate. On several occasions, while entering by foot from Mexico and by boat from Canada, covert investigators were not even asked to show identification.


golden ticket member
"...Napolitano ignored radioactive material smuggled across U.S. borders

She was probably too busy over in one of the "stans" checking out their borders for them. She has such a widespread area of responsibility.....The World's Security Czar !!:sick:


Strength through joy
Cruise lines flee Southern California ports

Economic woes, travelers' fears of Mexico drug violence cited

SAN DIEGO — Carnival Cruise Lines is pulling the last of its ships out of San Diego, and other cruise operators are departing Southern California because of economic woes and fears over traveling to Mexico.
Carnival announced Thursday that its 2,500-passenger Carnival Spirit is moving to Australia by April 2012, a move the Port of San Diego says will cost the local economy about $54 million, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. The ship takes more than 60,000 passengers a year to destinations along the Mexican Riviera.
Drug-related killings 2006-2010

  • 30,913 execution-style killings
  • 3,153 killed in rival gang clashes
  • 546 killed in clashes with the security forces
Source: Mexican government database


Für Meno :)
See, thats another example of all your fearful news, and most of it exagerted by the likes of Fox and Limbaugh.
So to the point, they are destroying parts of the US economy, just with their fear mongering words.

Canadians are still flocking to Mexico for a winter break.
My brother just returned from Puerto Vallarta, again, with his 2 teenaged kids.


Strength through joy
how long will it be before bho issues an executive order declaring Mexico a war zone thus giving "temporary" immigration to all who claim that should they return home they are under a death sentence, meaning every illegal in the USA is legal ?