I like the law. If you have your ID, you have nothing to fear. If you're here illegally, you'll have a problem.
Maybe all the illegal immigrants will go to san francisco (sanctuary city) and go to Pelosi's backyard. Let's see how she likes walking a sidewalk hearing....."here chickie chickie mama'!!
AZ. is just practicing self defense for the people of that state. If you don't live in a border state, you have no clue.
That's a warped and unfair view of all Mexicans and Hispanics.....most are hard-working dedicated family members just trying to survive, their not all gangbangers of MS 13.......
BTW.....The first lesson of self defense for people of that state, is to stop making it so easy and accessible to obtain guns, and stop hiring illegals for low wages and no benefits.....
You didn't know it was already against federal law to be here illegally? Well it is. You did not know that the federal government already rounds up illegals and deports them? Well they do. This law just appears to be picking up the slack of an incompetent federal government to me. And you want them to have control over your health care, banking, energy, and work enviornment. What a joke.
In the past, you've demonstated you were well versed in the Constitution, what gives here ?
This law allows authorities,
w/o warrant and provocation, to detain US citizens and those legally here, without their proper ID papers....Heil Hitler !
I'm sure you didn't serve your country so State Lawmakers could legislate laws attacking our
liberty and freedoms.
Liberty and freedom, two words Conservatives like to toss around as if they have a patent on it. But lets not look the other way, cause this law won't effect people that look like us......
This is the best post thus far on the subject. This law lends itself too easily to racial profiling. Is illegal immigration a crisis? Yes but this is not the answer. This law will be short lived and will create more headaches than it was designed to cure.[/QUOTE]
I agree...Prince William County, Va's bid to legislate aggressive and unConstitutional anti-immigration laws was a failure and was flooded by law suits costing the tax payers millions....