probable cause is the rule. what a person looks like is not probable cause.
Im trying to see where in that law it says "person looks like"...again the probable cause is the police suspects he is illegal. You know if you dont like this law then you are guilty in the same say anyone who is in the Tea Party, wears a red, white, and blue shirt, has a American flag, or who does not like or agree with Obama is a...Reddneck, racist, stupid, etc., etc. How do you know that for a fact? I guess the MSM is guilty too. Damn!!! Aint this fun.
Hey look at that guy wearing a turbin on his head and spouting some funny language at the airport...look at the huge bulge in his pants
(giggity) he happy to see Obama or should we suspect he is a terrorist an maybe take a better look at him? Oh wait there is grandma with her walker...lets ck her instead. LMAO!!!!