Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
ILLEGALS Angry that Utah Signs on to E-Verify
Utah signs on to E-Verify program to check workers’ legal status

Salt Lake Tribune
While Congress mulls making the program mandatory nationwide, Utah will soon join three other states voluntarily implementing E-Verify, which is designed to cut back on jobs for undocumented workers and, by extension, reduce illegal immigration.
On July 1, a new Utah law will kick in requiring businesses to verify the legal status of all new employees and to turn away anyone found without proper documents. If companies comply, they’ll leave Utah’s estimated 100,000-plus undocumented immigrants with just a few, hard options: find work that pays under the table, use fake documents or leave.


Strength through joy
Sheriff: $250K, AK-47 Found On Illegal Immigrant

AK-47 Assault Rifle Among Firearms
Sheriff’s deputies arrested an illegal immigrant after they seized about $250,000 in cash and three firearms during a traffic stop, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Tuesday. . Adolfo Beltran, 20, was placed in custody at the 4th Avenue Jail after the incident Saturday. Detectives said he is from Mexico.
Sheriff’s detectives were watching a residence in the block of 7200 W. Montecito after a neighbor complained of a possible “drug house.”
As two vehicles left the home, detectives said they made contact with the drivers. Inside one of the vehicles, deputies said they found a large amount of cash.
The traffic stops lead to a search of the Montecito residence where more money and guns were found inside, including an AK-47 assault rifle and two handguns.
Arpaio said this type of arrest shows the connection between the financial side of drugs and illegal immigration.
Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved


Strength through joy
Illegal immigration bill signed by governor

By: Andy Sher
Despite some reservations, Gov. Phil Bredesen on Monday signed legislation requiring local jailers to attempt to determine the immigration status of prisoners and forward the information on to federal immigration officials.
“I believe there has been significant political posturing on this issue,” Gov. Bredesen, a Democrat, said in a statement. “While I do have concerns about this legislation, this bill seeks to set up a verification process similar to what exists in our state’s major cities, and I have been supportive of these efforts.”
Legislative Republicans touted the measure as a major step forward in combating illegal immigration in Tennessee.


Strength through joy
Ohio Wants Arizona-Like Immigration Law

Ohio voters say 45 – 35 percent they would like Ohio to pass an immigration law similar to the law in Arizona, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.
Ohio voters approve 48 – 28 percent of Arizona’s immigration law.
They say 72 – 22 percent that immigration reform should move in the direction of stricter enforcement rather than integrating illegal immigrants into American society.
The new law will not lead to discrimination against Hispanics, voters say 43 – 40 percent.
An overwhelming 79 – 10 percent they think an economic boycott of Arizona is a bad idea.
“Ohio voters like the Arizona approach to illegal immigration so much they would like to see a similar law passed by the State Legislature”.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Baba for taking the time to find these news items. :happy2:

Here's a news item Dilli....:wink2:....and BTW...your welcome....

"The Obama administration has decided to file a lawsuit to strike down a new Arizona law aimed at deporting illegal immigrants, thrusting itself into the fierce national debate over how the United States should enforce immigration policies.
The federal government only occasionally intervenes forcefully in a state’s affairs, and it carries significant political risks. With immigration continuing to be a hot issue in political campaigns across the country, the Arizona law, which grants the local police greater authority to check the legal status of people they stop, has become a rallying cry for the Tea Party and other conservative groups.
The lawsuit, though widely anticipated, was confirmed by an unexpected source: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who answered a question about it from an Ecuadorean TV journalist in an interview on June 8 that went all but unnoticed until this week.
Noting that President Obama had publicly objected to the law, Mrs. Clinton said, “The Justice Department, under his direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act.”

What the heck...13 states are sueing the Feds over the Healthcare bill.....Not saying I agree with any of this, but.....What's fair is fair....
Here's a news item Dilli....:wink2:....and BTW...your welcome....

"The Obama administration has decided to file a lawsuit to strike down a new Arizona law aimed at deporting illegal immigrants, thrusting itself into the fierce national debate over how the United States should enforce immigration policies.
The federal government only occasionally intervenes forcefully in a state’s affairs, and it carries significant political risks. With immigration continuing to be a hot issue in political campaigns across the country, the Arizona law, which grants the local police greater authority to check the legal status of people they stop, has become a rallying cry for the Tea Party and other conservative groups.
The lawsuit, though widely anticipated, was confirmed by an unexpected source: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who answered a question about it from an Ecuadorean TV journalist in an interview on June 8 that went all but unnoticed until this week.
Noting that President Obama had publicly objected to the law, Mrs. Clinton said, “The Justice Department, under his direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act.”

What the heck...13 states are sueing the Feds over the Healthcare bill.....Not saying I agree with any of this, but.....What's fair is fair....

A day or two late on reporting that Bubba. Yea, Billary did say that, however as far as I have heard, they have yet to file said suit.


Strength through joy
Cutting illegal immigrants off from power, literally

Patrick O’Grady

If you’re in the country illegally, Barry Wong would like you not to have any power.
Wong, who’s a candidate for the Arizona Corporation Commission, is throwing out the idea of — if he’s elected — having the commission require those in the country illegally be barred from getting power from the utilities.
The feedback has been mixed. Wong said he’s received e-mails supporting the position to those who say he’d be flipping the switch on people in 112-degree weather.
The idea, Wong said, is in part an effort to keep rates low, and since the state has regulated illegals out of other services, why not power?


Strength through joy
State Lawmaker Says Border War is Spreading to Oklahoma

By Jon Jordan, NEWS 9
The recent arrest of an alleged high-ranking member of a Mexican cartel in Oklahoma City has one lawmaker looking to strengthen and expand on Arizona’s tough anti-illegal immigration law.
On Tuesday the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics busted several suspected drug traffickers, including a high-ranking member of the cartel. The bust is part of two month long investigation. As for why the cartel tried to set up shop in Oklahoma, agents with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics said the members were trying to escape Arizona’s tougher anti-illegal immigration laws.
“For anyone to think Oklahoma is a safer haven than Arizona or any other state is concerning,” said Mark Woodward a spokesperson for the bureau.
Concerning not just for law enforcement agencies but lawmakers as well.


Strength through joy
Shots fired at City Hall prompt Texas AG to ask for more troops on border

Here is the letter by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
Deadly violence from drug cartels and transnational gangs in Mexico is knocking on the United States’ door with ever increasing frequency.
Yesterday, gunfire from the cartels pierced that threshold and struck City Hall in El Paso. Fortunately no one was injured or killed. But that good fortune was not the result of effective border control – it was mere luck that the bullets struck buildings rather than bodies.
Luck and good fortune are not effective border enforcement policies. The shocking reality of cross border gunfire proves the cold reality: American lives are at risk. As the attached news article notes: “More than 1,300 people have been murdered in Juárez this year as a war continues relentlessly between the Juárez and Sinaloa drug cartels.” Americans must be protected as this deadly war bulges at our border.
Law enforcement officials with the Texas Department of Public Safety and your own U.S. Customs and Border Protection will reveal the hard truth. Our state is under constant assault from illegal activity threatening a porous border.
The time for talk has passed. The time for action is now. The need is urgent. Each day that passes increases the likelihood that an American life will be lost because of the federal government’s failure to secure the border.
This threat demands immediate and effective action by your Administration to secure our border. As the Attorney General of Texas, I urge you to make border security your top priority so that no more innocent lives are lost to border violence
yes I understood the reference.

my point was... how come our media had to report it as international news ?
That is a very good point, actually the same point Gov. Brewer made. It was that media release where Brewer heard that the AG was going forward with a suit. Her thinking was, she should have been told before the people of Ecuador.
As far as I know, the suit is yet to be filed.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have been trying to think back when I first heard the phrase "don't discuss politics or religion".... and I forget what the context was. We can sit here all day long and talk back and forth about SB 1070 and how evil the bill is or isn't.

2 Points here -
1. If you don't live in a border state where the state is bursting with illegals.... shut your trap! Nobody in a border state cares to hear you talk! I have not had one person take me up on busing a bunch of illegals to your front door yet! ...Because you are all hypocrites.
2. Come November we will see how you uber liberals feel when the moderate and conservative voters take back the country. I can't wait! The donkey-in-chief will be bucking like a bronco unable to advance his socialistic/marxist agenda. There is just 7 months until the lame donkey becomes a lame duck.


golden ticket member
I think it's strange that with such a huge issue as immigration that Obama hasn't visited AZ. or ElPaso, where the bullets are flying into the court house. I think Obama needs to give one of his flowery speeches on the steps of ElPaso's city hall. Do they have lots of golf courses in ElPaso??


Staff member
Ok. Fix it. Raise taxes, institute the draft (armed forces stretched as it is) build a real wall station 100,000 troops along the borders. Don't get cheap with it, pay for it in additional tax levies because we need it and no reason to burden our children with the cost.
No takers? I actually think this is a viable solution and guaranteed to irritate both sides. I think I love it.


golden ticket member
Obama, the story teller, told a story about some immigrant who joined the military....yada yada yada.... How the hell does an illegal join the military? That is what we're talking about, ILLEGALS. I would like to hear his story about 13 million other illegal immigrants and how they are bleeding our resources dry. He's in dreamland, cut off his mushrooms now!!


Für Meno :)
Obama, the story teller, told a story about some immigrant who joined the military....yada yada yada.... How the hell does an illegal join the military? That is what we're talking about, ILLEGALS. I would like to hear his story about 13 million other illegal immigrants and how they are bleeding our resources dry. He's in dreamland, cut off his mushrooms now!!

Seen that story on CNN today. The mother is an illegal immigrant, by birth her son is American. The mother has been in the US for over 20 years. They want to deport her now, while her son is fighting in Afghanistan.