Für Meno :)
One question....is she here legally ?? If the answer is no, then she's a criminal and should be deported.
The answer is NO ! But where do you draw the line ? Splitting up familes, esspecially military families ? Criminal ? After 20 years, is there a law of limiitation by then , or should there be one ?
Like Obama said in his speech, you just can't round up all 11 million of them and deport them.
He is seeking amnesty for most of them, make them pay a fine, get thier legal papers, and learn english if they need to.
Put a new law in place, that will stop the flow of any new commers, too.
But, said that law will not pass without republican votes, and since everything these days is about politics, he doubts republicans will vote for it, even though it was mosty drafted by McCain, just within the last 2 years.