[FONT="]I did give you a proper opinion to the video; it is off topic with SB1070 or illegal immigration. In case you didn’t notice the victim was Anglo and according to you Anglos are not affected by SB1070. [/FONT]
[FONT="]My reply to your video has nothing to do with my thoughts on police or their training. Try to keep up. Also, I have never ? Arpaio has nothing to do with the subject of SB1070 or the video, he clearly does. However the video and SB1070 are unrelated otherwise. Two different issues.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The law is so radical, that it can affect anyone the police wants to, if someone doesn’t show a Driver License or the other types of ID, the officer can arrest him/her if the officer wants to. I have mentioned it several times that it incites racial profiling, and that it lets an officer to act as open as he wants to. And, with all these civil rights suits in Arizona by mostly Hispanics and by the language of the law, I do believe SB1070 targets Hispanic people. But, I have also mentioned that this law could affect you or anyone (it doesn’t matter the color) sooner or later, I don’t know if you can remember that, do you? SB1070 gives too much power to the police, and don’t ask me how, because I’ve cited it and gave my opinion on how it can, but it seems you keep ignoring those aspects. And now that you watched the video, do you really think that the terms of a law don’t need to be articulated because we should trust in the training of our officers? Cool, Cowboy. What a great reassurance. If you think SB1070 is unrelated to this video, I’ll just tell you: This video shows an Arizona self-claimed “toughest Sheriff,” in favor and even promoter of SB1070, and a Sheriff that will use SB1070 if it goes in effect on July 29. Now, if the video is unrelated to SB1070, I wonder how.[/FONT]
[FONT="]However the video and SB1070 are unrelated otherwise. Two different issues.[/FONT]
You should pay more attention to what’s around you; and not by watching too many Che Guevara tales.
[FONT="]Your link was pretty worthless to me.[/FONT][FONT="]As it was to me, Cowboy. Thanks for finally posting the one you were claiming. I was sure the one you were talking about was not a Newspaper. [/FONT]I pressed one for English.[FONT="] LOL. I saw that joke on YouTube from George Lopez. I guess I could call you Cowboy Lopez, but that last name will get you stirr up. Lets leave it at Cowboy.[/FONT]
[FONT="]I saw the(LaRaza) video the first time on CBS news, that’s how I knew it existed. According to them it was taken at the rally that was well documented. [FONT="]I guess CBS can’t never have a mistake, then; I’d like to hear what they talked about the video and who they said was involved in this video.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT="]I’m not paranoid at all, I am cautious and observant. [FONT="]You cry too much with your not well documented videos of La Raza, and you don’t care about Rusell Pearce’s being in a rally with white supremacy Nazi groups, taking pictures with them, even hugging them, and sending white supremacist e-mails; about Arpaio’s Civil Rights sues; about Kris Kobach links with FAIR, a hate group; and all of those are political figures that are involved directly with SB1070. I don’t know how cautious and observant you are.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT="]My belief of a possible revolution by LaRaza or any other organization is irrelevant as well as unfounded. [FONT="]It is, Cowboy, I’m glad you think that that belief you got is ridiculous. And I think that believing a revolution by La Raza or any other organization of this kind is absurd; and the words by Mr. Teacher are insignificant to believe that there’s a dangerous situation. But, I wonder why you keep believing that’s a volatile situation.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT="]Your belief of the validity of the video or even the existence of LaRaza is irrelevant.[/FONT]
[FONT="]I still haven’t seen in the video that NCLR supports this guy. Now I’m not saying that they support him or not, but it’s something that we can’t watch on this video. It’d be nice if you can give official explained resources and facts that validate your claims that NCLR supports this Hugo Chavez “wannabe.” I never said that there’s no group named La Raza, don’t try to mix things up. I wanted to know more about it, and thanks for posting that link about them, so we don’t get confused on what group we’re talking about. I’m reading about them, and I don’t see them as a Hate Group like FAIR that really has something to do with SB1070. On the contrary, I see NCLR as a well respected established organization. It’d be nice if you could give official facts to say that NCLR is like FAIR. And it seems that the only founded link you posted is the nclr.org; the second and third are like unfounded political opinions of NCLR and propaganda; one is named Human Events “Leading Conservative Media Since 1944.” And the other is discoverthenetwork.org “A guide to the Political Left.” Are these the things you read? Come on, Cowboy! And the third one is prisonplanet.com and talks about a divided ethnicity because of gangs, and it’s a site that references that Bush was behind 9/11. I didn’t investigate further, but it’d be interesting. Come on Cowboy! You’re going too far. What’s happenning to you?[/FONT]
[FONT="]Regardless of the source of the video, it clearly shows a large group of people listening to and cheering a hate filled speech promoting revolution against white America, given in a very public place. [/FONT]
[FONT="]I count 8 to 10 people, there. And I don’t hear too many chanting. Several of the girls are like not taking this guy seriously. And it seems that he took his own buddies to chant him when he yelled Viva Fidel. But, I can’t see if La Raza you’re talking about is supporting this. They might have, or they might have not; there are no sources in this specific video to assure, as you claim, that this guy is from NLCR, or that he’s stating the views of NCLR.[/FONT]
[FONT="]That was the point of it being posted. It is pretty simple that Fitton’s claim, fact or opinion, doesn’t incite violence.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Did I say he incites violence? Although English is your only language I advice you to look for the word “Agitate” in a dictionary. As I have said it before: I believe Mr. Fitton’s words are to agitate people, like the propaganda from many entities (listen, many, not all) in support of this law. And if you go by common sense, as you claim you do, do you think I’m saying Fitton incites violence? LOL, may be you think he does. Some entities in favor of the law, like The Minutemen, do and act violent. And I haven’t seen any evidence that NLCR does incite violence, as you claim you do.[/FONT]