its only been 2 months and the new Article 37 language is in trouble. The OPT in / OPT out program isnt working like it was designed to work.
"No kidding"
Exactly what was said about this article in November / December on this blog is coming true. The company is in the midst of a struggle between the loons in the IE department and Operations.
Seems one cannot agree with the other. Operations under a directive to reduce excessive overtime cannot find ways to do so as IE cuts cars from the road. These cuts, while massive are generating massive overtime increases and the threats of Triple Time penalties.
Grievances now total over 200 for 9.5 violations in local 396 jurisdictions.
Unable to control overtime, the centers are getting hit with grievances and requests for 9.5 committee review and triple time sanctions in record numbers.
The real discovery here is that the Company has requested that the International Union
re-negotiate this article and cut them some slack.
I said before this article was passed by a vote that it was a mistake and poorly constructed.
Now, the company wants to restructure the language to suit their needs and not the needs of those seeking to reduce excessive overtime.
Let your agent know you do not want any part of this contract re-negotiated unless they are willing to re-negotiate the whole contract.
Why fix or address only one article when there are plenty of articles in trouble.
What about article 6 and the GPS language, we here have lost 9 drivers already for GPS related violations.
If Hoffa agrees to create article 37 part deux, he'd better be prepared to re-do the whole thing.
It was only inevitable that things like this would happen when a rush to approve a bad contract was the goal.
Lets here from your necks of the woods.