Article 37 in trouble...Renegotiations???


What say you now Tieguy?

A TDU link? The professional misinformation site? Couldn't you find one from Pravda? :peaceful:

The first thing you folks need to do is create a credible news source so you don't become victim to this type of rabble rousing.

You should also kick brownsharks tush good. Its clear he thinks you folks are stupid enough to fall for the rabble rousing.


Well-Known Member
The whole point of the Opt in/out O/9.5 language was to encourage the company to get the excessive OT cut down. What the company has to do at this point is some house cleaning in the departments (IE/operations) that refuse to do what has to be done. I don't want to be paid double time, triple time. or even quadruple time for over 9.5. I don't want to work over 9.5 PERIOD!
With the company trying to get the union to look into changing this shows that the company doesn't want to play by the rules, they want to change the rules.

Very good post.
It is March and a very slow part of the year. Wait till the volume picks up due to back to school and the summer vacations kick in.



Just because you are "out of the loop" on this issue doesnt make you an expert.

As usual, your opinion is worthless.

As for the link, I believe you have been OWNED.

Before you call anyone any names (as usual) do a little investigating.

I realize it takes a while for info to reach the on road supervisor level, but it will eventually get to you.

TDU may be many things, but its also a good source for information. Its always out front with info long before the locals release any information.

AS for the Article itself, it still remains an un-enforceable piece of junk that is not being implemented as written. While some have posted opinions about the language , many are still working over 11.5 hours all week.

Your posts do not address the hundreds of grievances that have been filed all across this country for excessive overtime violations.

I wouldnt expect you to have anything of any value to say, your intentions are clear. You seem bent on trying to muddy the water on the issue rather than add anything to the conversation.

"have stick, will stir" appears to be your motto.

Why not take this months bonus and buy a clue?



Staff member

There's no proof there, that link doesn't say anything about re-negotiating the contract. What it says is:
The issue is reportedly being discussed by Teamster and company officials at the highest levels.

In other words, TDU doesn't really know what's going either. The rest of the article is just speculation.
If I had to guess(and it is a guess, I don't know anymore than TDU apparently does), I would say they are just discussing exactly how they plan to interpret this language once the grievances start flying. If the rest of this sorry contract is any indication , it's going to be the interpretation that best suits the company.



Just because you are "out of the loop" on this issue doesnt make you an expert.

As usual, your opinion is worthless.

As for the link, I believe you have been OWNED.

Before you call anyone any names (as usual) do a little investigating.

I realize it takes a while for info to reach the on road supervisor level, but it will eventually get to you.

TDU may be many things, but its also a good source for information. Its always out front with info long before the locals release any information.

AS for the Article itself, it still remains an un-enforceable piece of junk that is not being implemented as written. While some have posted opinions about the language , many are still working over 11.5 hours all week.


Brownshark you were given the opportunity to prove me wrong and yet you came up empty handed.

Now that you proved me right you have an obligation to apologize to the members here for the way you acted.

Why not apologize to the members here for acting like you think they are stupid enough to fall for your brand of trumped up rabble rousing?

show some integrity.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tie,

I was really hoping for your input on the opt in/opt out list not being posted and how the company is ducking this issue. Any words on this?


Hey Tie,

I was really hoping for your input on the opt in/opt out list not being posted and how the company is ducking this issue. Any words on this?

I think its some poorly thought out or understood language that will have to be worked through by both sides.

We often end up with a contract that has some loose ends that need to be clarified.

thanks for asking....:)


Well-Known Member

its only been 2 months and the new Article 37 language is in trouble. The OPT in / OPT out program isnt working like it was designed to work.

"No kidding"

Exactly what was said about this article in November / December on this blog is coming true. The company is in the midst of a struggle between the loons in the IE department and Operations.

Seems one cannot agree with the other. Operations under a directive to reduce excessive overtime cannot find ways to do so as IE cuts cars from the road. These cuts, while massive are generating massive overtime increases and the threats of Triple Time penalties.

Grievances now total over 200 for 9.5 violations in local 396 jurisdictions.

Unable to control overtime, the centers are getting hit with grievances and requests for 9.5 committee review and triple time sanctions in record numbers.

The real discovery here is that the Company has requested that the International Union re-negotiate this article and cut them some slack.

I said before this article was passed by a vote that it was a mistake and poorly constructed.

Now, the company wants to restructure the language to suit their needs and not the needs of those seeking to reduce excessive overtime.

Let your agent know you do not want any part of this contract re-negotiated unless they are willing to re-negotiate the whole contract.

Why fix or address only one article when there are plenty of articles in trouble.

What about article 6 and the GPS language, we here have lost 9 drivers already for GPS related violations.

If Hoffa agrees to create article 37 part deux, he'd better be prepared to re-do the whole thing.

It was only inevitable that things like this would happen when a rush to approve a bad contract was the goal.

Lets here from your necks of the woods.

I agree! There are plenty of give backs in the contract that reduce our rights and or make it easier for us to get fired. We have all of this work as instructed and file later only to hear that they will comply only to violate us again.

We have a weak contract. We got no additional time off. Why are we to wait from our 2nd year until our 10th year to get an additional week off? It should come at the 5 year mark.

We should be able to bring back the truck at 8 hours instead of this b.s. of work as instructed and file later. Sure their are penalties if the union makes them pay and if we can get by their "things beyond their control" crap! The penalties do help me travel through time to make up for missing important family event or closing on a house etc etc.

Re-write the whole thing!


Well-Known Member

Just because you are "out of the loop" on this issue doesnt make you an expert.

As usual, your opinion is worthless.

As for the link, I believe you have been OWNED.

Before you call anyone any names (as usual) do a little investigating.

I realize it takes a while for info to reach the on road supervisor level, but it will eventually get to you.

TDU may be many things, but its also a good source for information. Its always out front with info long before the locals release any information.

AS for the Article itself, it still remains an un-enforceable piece of junk that is not being implemented as written. While some have posted opinions about the language , many are still working over 11.5 hours all week.

Your posts do not address the hundreds of grievances that have been filed all across this country for excessive overtime violations.

I wouldnt expect you to have anything of any value to say, your intentions are clear. You seem bent on trying to muddy the water on the issue rather than add anything to the conversation.

"have stick, will stir" appears to be your motto.

Why not take this months bonus and buy a clue?

nice post


Article 37, Section 1(c):
. . . No later than thirty (30) days prior to each January 1st and June 1st, each package center will post a “9.5 opt-in/opt-out list” for the applicable five (5) month period. . . .

The above contract language makes clear that the opt-in/opt-out list must be posted no later than thirty days prior to January 1, 2008. This was not possible since the new contract was not ratified until December 19, 2007. Therefore, the deadline passed, and the next opportunity is the June 1, 2008 list. The old language on over 9.5 still applies as most of it was retained in the new contract.

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Article 37, Section 1(c):
. . . the “9.5 Committee.” This Committee shall be composed of two (2) Union and two (2) Employer representatives. . . . The 9.5 Committee shall also have the authority to adopt guidelines to ensure that this Section is implemented in such a way as to balance the Employer’s need to protect the integrity of its operations with an employee’s legitimate need to avoid excessive overtime.

The 9.5 Committee language suggests that there is ongoing negotiations on the 9.5 issue. Maybe Tieguy could use his conciderable influence to write to the 9.5 Committee and request copies of their minutes and all other revelant documents. Then each of us could decide whether they are just discussing implimentation of the language, or actually renegotiating the language itself. In any event, negotiations are going on after our votes have been cast. As usual.