i'm ashamed to be canadian, id wouldnt want to be american either. i think the canadians might out do the americans with stupidity if we vote this guy to power.
meet kevin oleary:
"Elect me as Prime Minister for 15 minutes," Mr. O'Leary said on a show. "I will make unions illegal. Anybody who remains a union member will be thrown in jail." He adds that "Unions are sheer evil [...] Unions themselves are born out of evil. They must be destroyed with evil", and "no one could contain unions in hell. They were so evil they came out of hell and they came upon earth."
i guess he could win since the whole world is going either far left or far right. but last i checked 25% of the population is unionized here...
he thinks canada is wonderful and that the system works. canada is full of depoliticized people just like the americans with low expectations relative to europeans. real wages have not risen since 1989. under the canadian version of george w bush, kevin was given a tv show on the state run network so we could pay to have him lie to us.
heres a video where kevin talks about how wonderful inequality and poverty in the 3rd world are:
some of these videos went viral. you can tell that kevin doesnt believe everything he says in these videos. trump was also a huge liar (as was hillary).
i would like to burn my citizenship if i had another, but i would probably keep it just to have another country to flee to if things get crazy in EU.