Atlanta DA Paul Howard Is A Political Whore - Rayshard Brooks Case Prosecution Announcement

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Why didn't he pull his taser?
My issue with a lot of these situations is that some...(notice the word some ) are entirely too quick to pull their gun.
My father was a police officer for 12 years, and only fired his weapon one time. He even had one guy split the bill of his police hat with an axe , and didn't pull his gun, he beat the hell out of him with his nightstick , but didn't pull his gun.
They supposed to be trained professionals, not trigger happy yahoos
You'd druther they go Rodney King on him? It's a much more dangerous world out there now than it was in my youth. Deadly force is called for when the suspect attacks first. Too many funerals for the police who were hesitant to pull their service weapon.


Well-Known Member
He took his taser , not his gun and the cop shot him in the back as he was running away.

The tasr could have been used by the same perp who resisted arrest to subdue the police officer.

the SAME Da who charged the police officers and tried to diminish the threat from the TASR called a TASR a deadly weapon two weeks ago

I'm sure the defense lawyers will be more then happy to play that video at the trial


Well-Known Member
To clarify, Brooks took the other officer's taser.
The shooting officer did not know what Brooks fired at him ... except that it made a bang and flash of fire came from weapon.

police officers yell tasr tasr tasr when firing to ensure other police officers do not mistake sound of a tasr firing to that of gunfire

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
My issue with a lot of these situations is that some...(notice the word some ) are entirely too quick to pull their gun.
My father was a police officer for 12 years, and only fired his weapon one time.
He even had one guy split the bill of his police hat with an axe , and didn't pull his gun, he beat the hell out of him with his nightstick , but didn't pull his gun.
They supposed to be trained professionals, not trigger happy yahoos
Criminals today have pistols, UZIs and AK-47s ... I think if one of these split your father's police hat, it would split his head as well.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Every Atlanta police officer to receive $500 bonus today from foundation

The Atlanta Police Foundation is paying a $500 bonus to every Atlanta police officer today.
It will add up to more than $2 million in money the foundation has raised. No city funds will be used to pay for the bonuses.
They’ll also be purchasing 20 police cars to replace those that were destroyed in protests a few weeks ago.

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Maybe this bonus was in reaction to a drop in morale and multiple resignations!

Multiple Atlanta officers have resigned this month

Multiple Atlanta police officers have resigned this month, the department confirmed to Fox News on Monday,
as the president and CEO of the
Atlanta Police Foundation said, “Morale is at an all-time low.”

Atlanta Police said eight officers have resigned since June 1, a higher rate than usual; the department had seen two to six monthly resignations in 2020.

Emotions and stress levels have been high in the city following the deadly shooting of Rayshard Brooks last Friday.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
JUN 18, 2020 PRESS RELEASE ATLANTA, Ga. — Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) today called for Attorney General Chris Carr to appoint an independent district attorney in the case of Rayshard Brooks after Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced charges before the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) had completed their investigation.

“Our founders intended for our justice system to be blind – blind to race, blind to socioeconomic status, and blind to politics. While we seek justice for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many lives lost, we cannot turn our backs on the majority of law enforcement officers who are simply doing their jobs and putting their lives on the line for us each and every day."

“Charging an Atlanta police officer with felony murder before the completion of the GBI's investigation was a political decision, not a legal one. I’m calling on Attorney General Chris Carr to appoint an independent district attorney in the case of Rayshard Brooks to ensure Georgians have complete confidence that this case is devoid of any and all political influence."

"If a special prosecutor was warranted in the Ahmaud Arbery case, then it certainly warrants the appointment of one here."
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
June 17, 2020
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was requested by the Atlanta Police Department on Friday night, June 12th, to investigate an officer involved shooting at the Wendy’s Restaurant on University Avenue. We are in the process of conducting this investigation. Although we have made significant progress in the case, we have not completed our work. Our goal in every officer involved shooting case we are requested to review, is to complete a thorough, impartial investigation before we submit the file to the respective District Attorney’s Office.

The GBI was not aware of today’s press conference before it was conducted. We were not consulted on the charges filed by the District Attorney. Despite today’s occurrence, the GBI will complete its mission of completing an impartial and thorough investigation of this incident and we will submit the file, once completed, to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.
Two weeks ago when officers used tasers against two college students, Paul Howard said that under Georgia law, tasers were considered deadly weapons. Yesterday he said tasers weren't deadly weapons when used against police.
Earlier in the video, Howard said the use of tasers on the college students was a vicious act.

The video is set to begin at the 14:45 minute mark

Pretty gross. Even CNN and MSNBC anchors seem to know this whole thing is a race hustling clown show that'll get laughed out of court when questioning guests. They just can't say it out loud for fear of being socially beheaded Ned Stark style by the hard left.


Inordinately Right
Why do you conservatives make excuses for every trigger happy dip :censored2: who wears a badge?
There are plenty of honest law enforcement members who you could support?
If you think the cop was trigger happy you didn't watch the video.

I support these honest cops who were doing their jobs. You support the violent POS thug felon who was drunk driving while on parole and decided to steal an officer's weapon and fire it at him.

Carry on fren.


The LoRusso Law Firm, which is representing Rolfe, released a statement on the incident that said, in part:

“The loss of life in any instance is tragic. However, Officer Rolfe’s actions were justified under O.C.G.A. §17-4-20 and O.C.G.A. §16-3-21. A peace officer may use deadly force to 1. arrest a suspected felon when he reasonably believes that the suspect poses an immediate threat of physical violence to the officer or others, 2. to protect himself and others from a life-threatening injury, and 3. to prevent the commission of a forcible felony. Mr. Brooks violently attacked two officers and disarmed one of them. When Mr. Brooks turned and pointed an object at Officer Rolfe, any officer would have reasonably believed that he intended to disarm, disable, or seriously injure him.”

The law firm argued that Brooks suddenly attacked Rolfe and Brosnan “without warning or provocation” when they placed him under arrest. The statement also said that the officers “used the least amount of force possible in their attempts to place Mr. Brooks into handcuffs,” which included Rolfe deploying his Taser twice.

“Officer Rolfe is well known to the courts and there is no compelling reason to bring any charges against them
before the GBI has completed its investigation and published its findings,” the statement concluded.

when it is all said and done if 3 professional violence experts of the united states executive branch cant subdue one average sized drunk guy and prevent him from stealing a taser and running away, then all of them should lose their jobs because they are not at a proper fitness level. Lmaoooo also something about due process in our constitution would lead any sane person to believe using lethal force on somebody who is drunk running full speed away from them with a non lethal weapon in hand seems a bit murderous. The only good cops I know are ones who saw combat overseas, 99% of the rest are frail or fat pu**ys who would get greased by anyone who has balls and a gun.
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Inordinately Right
when it is all said and done if 3 professional violence experts of the united states executive branch cant subdue one average sized drunk guy and prevent him from stealing a taser and running away, then all of them should lose their jobs because they are not at a proper fitness level. Lmaoooo also something about due process in our constitution would lead any sane person to believe using lethal force on somebody who is drunk running full speed away from them with a non lethal weapon in hand seems a bit murderous. The only good cops I know are ones who saw combat overseas, 99% of the rest are frail or fat pu**ys who would get greased by anyone who has balls and a gun.
Just another dead low life thug.
Give the cops a medal and move on.


Just another dead low life thug.
Give the cops a medal and move on.

Again medals should be given to people who actually have the ability to capture an average ass drunk guy without getting disarmed and shooting him in the back while he is running away. He might be a lowlife but that doesnt change if a killing is justified or not, him and the cop who shot are both low lifes

El Correcto

god is dead
If you think the cop was trigger happy you didn't watch the video.

I support these honest cops who were doing their jobs. You support the violent POS thug felon who was drunk driving while on parole and decided to steal an officer's weapon and fire it at him.

Carry on fren.
You forgot child beater.
The violent child beating POS thug felon.

El Correcto

god is dead
Again medals should be given to people who actually have the ability to capture an average ass drunk guy without getting disarmed and shooting him in the back while he is running away. He might be a lowlife but that doesnt change if a killing is justified or not, him and the cop who shot are both low lifes
You want to send an innocent cop to prison for shooting a drunk child beater who disarmed an officer.
Get your life together.


You forgot child beater.
The violent child beating POS thug felon.

If someone walks down the street and brutally r8pes a woman in an alleyway, if it later came out that the woman he attacked had killed 35 babies by eating them alive, yes she would be evil but that has NOTHING to do with the crime that was committed. These are not arguments guys come on.

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