That sure would be a great start. Try it. Or just talk about RTW so you can practice being a free loader and collect the wealth of improvements that unions have fought for decades. The day that you and all the RTW advocates agree and sign a legal binding agreement to refuse ALL improvements that came by way of unionized activity is the day that any of this will make any sense. If you expect to work for the same wages and benefits as the DUES PAYING MEMBER yet want to hold back in paying your dues, your a hypocrite and a free loader. You can change your leadership by VOTING!! You can change nothing by RTW except destroying the establishment that brought you the excellent pay and benefits you enjoy everyday. When it's gone, the job you think is so good now becomes just another mediocre, nonunion gig. Organize and vote. Your lazy. You want someone else to fix the union you are involved in............ As I typed that I realized I was addressing you, not a person that really cares about labor issues. You are only out to destroy this union and unions in general. It does little good to reason with a union hater disguising himself as a teamster