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I finally saw this in 3D (the IMAX in Guilderlands was sold out) and thought it was absolutely stunning. Both the story and the writing had some weaknesses but they were way overshadowed by the film as a whole. Great movie.
My wife and I went Saturday night and saw the 2D version because I'm to cheap and the other (3D and 3D IMAX) were sold out. When we came out of the movie at 1:15 am I told my wife this will be this generations Star Wars in that it changes everything in how we watch movies and movies will be made. The movie manager overheard my comment and being about our same age started talking to us and then ased if we had a few minutes. He then went a got a pair of 3D glasses and took us into the IMAX as this movie was still running and OMG! Last time I saw 3D IMAX was in 1996' but this blew me away.
Sunday night we went back to take the kids, which we would have done anyway but we sprang for the 3D IMAX (manager is smart salesman LOL!) and it was an incredible experience. Felt the story was more native American/Pocahantus than anything else and what some see as environmentalism (and I'm sure that was some intent) I saw native American and ancient pre-Roman Celtic spiritualism so considering the Na'vi, I thought that belief system worked well and fit the storyline. HomeTree could obviously be seen in a politically charged way as it pertains to foreign processes but at the same time and in an equally charged way, think of Hometree in a case of domestic eminent domain run amuck or equally in the case of wealth extraction from the working/middle class into the hands of a central elite so they can build a world that benefits them.
Ironic where some only see leftist collectivism and object to the movie I'm able to see a movie that addresses the abuses of an authorterian collectivist ideal (absolute violation of individual property rights) that stamps out the individual in order to propogate a hegemic order of corp (business/economics in RDA Corp) and State (brute force and portrayed by the good Colonel) who in fact was a mercenary and not a State soldier. Ironic no mention of State involvement from planet earth nor even a mention of the United States itself yet people objected not because of what was named but rather objected to what was glaringly obvious. Very telling IMO.
Yes it mentioned marines which is an obvious term and the focus of marine seems to shift to the good Colonel but IMO the Semper Fi quality of a good marine because he held true (faithful) to ideals of freedom and principle was seen in Sully who himself was a marine too. One sold his soul and the other found his if you will!
All that nonsense aside, I do think Stefan Molyneux had a point that the movie was very much about one finding empathy. But on a technological scale, like Star Wars, I do think this movie is a game changer and will be the comparison for decades just like Star Wars. I've heard there are 2 sequels planned and IMO that's a mistake as this movie should stand alone but I guess "RDA" corporation wants further wealth extraction to be done at the box office!