Ya, cause youre the tough guy. As if, you would be able to get your gun off the gun rack from the back window of your mud soaked 4x4 and defend yourself when you are mobbed in an intersection and there are people on all sides of your car trying to YANK you out of it.
How did that work out for Reginal Denny?
You gun owners heads are so full of hero fantasies, you havent thought about a mob throwing bricks through your windows from all sides as you reach for the gun rack in the back window of your pickup truck.
Domestic terrorists?
Were the Kentucky college students "domestic terrorists?"
Should they have been shot? Would you have applauded if that happened?
Of course you wouldnt, but since in Baltimore they were black, their lives dont mean as much to you. You would rather see them shot, instead of captured, tried, convicted and sentence.
For people like you, the constitution doesnt apply to them because the color of their skin and their social status.
You are interested in instant justice.
Its really sad when people look for excuses to kill black people or other minorities.