Baltimore goes BOOM

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Ya, cause youre the tough guy. As if, you would be able to get your gun off the gun rack from the back window of your mud soaked 4x4 and defend yourself when you are mobbed in an intersection and there are people on all sides of your car trying to YANK you out of it.

How did that work out for Reginal Denny?

You gun owners heads are so full of hero fantasies, you havent thought about a mob throwing bricks through your windows from all sides as you reach for the gun rack in the back window of your pickup truck.

Domestic terrorists?

Were the Kentucky college students "domestic terrorists?"

Should they have been shot? Would you have applauded if that happened?

Of course you wouldnt, but since in Baltimore they were black, their lives dont mean as much to you. You would rather see them shot, instead of captured, tried, convicted and sentence.

For people like you, the constitution doesnt apply to them because the color of their skin and their social status.

You are interested in instant justice.

Its really sad when people look for excuses to kill black people or other minorities.

This isn't cookey California. A riot such as the one Reginal Denny got caught in would turn into a slaughter in these parts. If people want to behave like animals we will put them down like animals. No matter their color. And make no mistake..... they are animals. You only see COLOR. The rest of us see a crime in progress.


Well-Known Member
This isn't cookey California. A riot such as the one Reginal Denny got caught in would turn into a slaughter in these parts. If people want to behave like animals we will put them down like animals. No matter their color. And make no mistake..... they are animals. You only see COLOR. The rest of us see a crime in progress.
Well when you treat certain groups of people like animals for hundreds of years what the friend you think you're going to get in return?


golden ticket member
Well when you treat certain groups of people like animals for hundreds of years what the friend you think you're going to get in return?
I never treated anyone like an animal.....'cept my dog.
What people may have done hundreds of years ago....they're all dead and so are the people who received the bad treatment.
Were you a slave (you yourself)?
Did you have a master?
I'm sick of people saying, "I was a slave"'re decades removed, get over it.


Well-Known Member
I never treated anyone like an animal.....'cept my dog.
What people may have done hundreds of years ago....they're all dead and so are the people who received the bad treatment.
Were you a slave (you yourself)?
Did you have a master?
I'm sick of people saying, "I was a slave"'re decades removed, get over it.
Sorry that treatment has not been decades removed still happens today. And I'm not just talking about slavery. Simple people with simple minds will never understand the effects of hundreds of years of slavery, racism, hatred, bigotry, and systemic/ institutional .oppression.


swollen member
Ya, cause youre the tough guy. As if, you would be able to get your gun off the gun rack from the back window of your mud soaked 4x4 and defend yourself when you are mobbed in an intersection and there are people on all sides of your car trying to YANK you out of it.

who owns a gun rack anymore????

hello, welcome to 2015!


Well-Known Member
Every driver in the Idaho Falls Center and it hangs in the cab of their pick ups .

They're hunters, not about drawing conclusions.......
Idaho is a haven for white supremacists. Along with meth heads.
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golden ticket member
Idaho is a haven for white supremacists. Along with meth heads.
You are thinking of Northern Idaho around Coeur d' Alene. you condemn the whole state.
I lived in Idaho Falls for 7 years...great people. Pocatello...great place. Boise, great city too.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
Sorry that treatment has not been decades removed still happens today. And I'm not just talking about slavery. Simple people with simple minds will never understand the effects of hundreds of years of slavery, racism, hatred, bigotry, and systemic/ institutional .oppression.

Ask the Jews, Germanic people under Roman rule. The Chinese under Japan rule. Ask the women under Muslim rule. Slavery, racism, hatred, bigotry, and systemic/institutional oppression is not just to one race, sex , nationality, or skin color.