TOS , your mind is warped .Ya OUT, just kill a bunch of blacks and other minorities in groups, burn them to death on live tv cause that will work out well for the rest of the country.
Why are people like you so ignorant?
Had the police started shooting rioters, for example, and live pictures of bodies on the streets were shown, riots would have broken out in every major city in this country.
More innocent people would have died ( maybe you ) and more cities would have been lit on fire.
You idiots that believe that shooting would have solved all the problems just dont think this stuff out all the way through.
You look at mass killings of blacks as "problem solvers", but what you dont realize, is that you would only make the problem worse.
Think it out bro, I know its tough, but give it a try.
TOS , your mind is warped .
You let the thugs riot and do nothing only increases the places where they will try it .
Instead if you fire upon the thugs and let the tv cameras show dead bodies in the streets , many will think twice before they attempt to do it themselves .
The only action they will respect is power , be it from a gun or a club breaking over their heads .
It has worked for centuries .
TOS , your mind is warped .
You let the thugs riot and do nothing only increases the places where they will try it .
Instead if you fire upon the thugs and let the tv cameras show dead bodies in the streets , many will think twice before they attempt to do it themselves .
The only action they will respect is power , be it from a gun or a club breaking over their heads .
It has worked for centuries .
I think Baba would feel right at home in North Korea.I bet you were willing to shoot the kentucky college students who rioted in their streets and cities when they lost a basketball game too, right?
Dont even answer that one, you already sound foolish enough.
Ya OUT, just kill a bunch of blacks and other minorities in groups, burn them to death on live tv cause that will work out well for the rest of the country.
Why are people like you so ignorant?
Had the police started shooting rioters, for example, and live pictures of bodies on the streets were shown, riots would have broken out in every major city in this country.
More innocent people would have died ( maybe you ) and more cities would have been lit on fire.
You idiots that believe that shooting would have solved all the problems just dont think this stuff out all the way through.
You look at mass killings of blacks as "problem solvers", but what you dont realize, is that you would only make the problem worse.
Think it out bro, I know its tough, but give it a try.
And this is why there are race problems in america in the first place.
Believing that killing solves problems. Ya, BABA, you got it all figured out. I am sure that minorities would look at television images of dead people in the streets and just stay home and do nothing about it.
Lets look at it another way.
The police showed great restraint in Baltimore, a wise choice, the had limited damage and nobody got killed. Now, there are protests in major cities all over the country and no force was used.
Peaceful demonstrations.
How did the killing of 4 college students in Ohio work out for Nixon? Did people stop protesting across the country then?
I bet you were willing to shoot the kentucky college students who rioted in their streets and cities when they lost a basketball game too, right?
Dont even answer that one, you already sound foolish enough.
He's an idiot!! According to him, everything is AOK under his watch!! Delusional Dope!Baltimore firefighters blast Obama’s ‘one fire’ lie; which of the 159 ARSONS was he talking about?
Rioters are nothing more than domestic terrorists. They aren't the innocent and abused victims like the liberal media portrays them to be. And no...I wouldn't have died if that had happened here. I'm armed to the teeth and ready to defend myself, my family, my community from the likes of your rabble rousing opportunistic pond scum homies.
If the destruction of private property during a protest with political ends is wrong, then why do we celebrate a group of American colonists who dressed up like Indians and threw the private property of others into Boston Harbor for political ends?
I think Baba would feel right at home in North Korea.
Why do drivers on strike throw rocks at their trucks?If the destruction of private property during a protest with political ends is wrong, then why do we celebrate a group of American colonists who dressed up like Indians who then threw the private property of others into Boston Harbor for political ends?
Ya, cause youre the tough guy. As if, you would be able to get your gun off the gun rack from the back window of your mud soaked 4x4 and defend yourself when you are mobbed in an intersection and there are people on all sides of your car trying to YANK you out of it.
How did that work out for Reginal Denny?
Now there is a classic example of why a law abiding citizen should be able to carry a weapon. The poor guy is driving along minding his own business when he is almost killed by a gang of thugs. That old football head couldn't hit what he was aiming at or Reginald wouldn't be here today. He should have taken about a dozen of them out with him.
Wishful thinking at best.
Guns dont always work out that way, only in hero fantasies.
When you are surrounded, in an intersection, and objects are being tossed in your windows, and you take out a gun, its more likely it will be used to kill YOU before you solve the problem.