I am glad when a politician speaks candidly about how they feel on a subject. Otherwise, they are coached to say what the audience wants to hear.
And the only way to get to know a politician is if they speak candidly as much as possible.
Your understanding of "candidly" doesnt go beyond talking points. With BEN Carson, just like Sarah Palin, talking points can only go so far before they get them in trouble.
You "believe" Ben Carson really thinks prisons turn people gay, but what you dont understand is that Carson was "coached" to field questions on same sex marriage but failed horribly to remember what to say.
That "isnt" candid. Its just stupid.
Regardless, Ben Carson will go the same route as every other black man the GOP has tried to USE for political gain.
They tried it with ALAN KEYES in the 80's, they tried it with ALAN WEST in the early 2000's, then they tried it with HERMAN CAIN in the last election cycle. Now its Ben Carsons turn to be the black token of the GOP face.
The whole "look at us, we got a black guy who thinks like us.." concept has failed miserably going all the way back to ALAN KEYES.
Now, its Carsons turn to be the "TOOL" dumb enough to fall for the republican B.S. and be used like a puppet on a string to be paraded around.
But ask yourself this. Where are all the other "prominent" black men that were used by the GOP for propaganda?
Keyes is only good for promoting Obama birth certificate baloney, Alan West is still a disgraced colonel and lousy politician, Herman Cain is NO WHERE to be found.
All the airtime CAIN recieved during his run for the GOP nod, and today, he is NOWHERE. No shows on fox, not a political talking head, not a featured speaker at any GOP functions.
HE, like all the other blacks in the party were simply kicked to the curb and forgotten.
Same will happen to Carson. He will prove himself useless in his run for the presidency, he will get smeared in the polls, then he will have given up his actual career for what will turn out to be just a scam.
He will look into the mirror on the day he figures out he was used, and then ask himself "who screwed me?"
Hopefully, he will then know it was himself.