Originally conceived as a means to prop up sagging crop prices to support American farmers, theFood Stamp Program, now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, hasexploded into a welfare program that costs tax payers a record $75.67 billion in 2011........
The Food Stamp Program began as an attempt to support farmers through stabilizing the prices of farm products. During the Great Depression, the federal government began purchasing “excess commodities” with federal money and distributing them to the poor. In 1935, the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation “was formed to dispense commodities by focusing on
encouraging domestic consumption of surpluses.” On May 16, 1939, in Rochester, New York, this first foray into the public provision of commodity support transitioned into the first food stamp program. By May 1941, advocates of the Food Stamp Program promoted its expansion as part of the National Defense Plan. However, this first attempt at commodity price regulationended in 1943 amid widespread fraud, abuse, and general mismanagement. No food stamp program was proposed again until the Kennedy Administration. Fulfilling acampaign promise, President Kennedy began a food stamp pilot program in 1961 under executive order 10914.
Profits from Poverty: How Food Stamps Benefit Corporations