Bereavement Question

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member

want to retire

Section 2. Funeral Leave
In the event of a death of a member of the employee’s family, a seniority employee shall be allowed a reasonable time off to attend the funeral or other bereavement rite.
Members of the employee’s family means spouse, child, or step- child, grandchild, father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents, mother-in-law and father-in-law and step-parents.

Unfortunately, your wife's grandparents are not covered.

The contract covers the employee's maternal and paternal grandparents.

It is sad when an employee has to grieve for funeral pay.... The result of incompetent lower level management.


Guess it depends on what a-holes you work for....


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
yea its a little unclear, at least to me. and Im not ready to argue the point, but if they say grandparents, mother in law and father in law, its not often you hear grandpa in law, grandma in law, so I feel its a pretty grey area.
And to funeral pay came weeks late, but after submitting an obit to a more reliable sup, I got paid. I filed coz I was p'oed. It was not done in a timely manner. I dont think anyone should miss a pay, due to inept mgmt. Especially for funeral. I was in mgmt for a short time, and I always went and got the obits, of course then most were local as we didnt have the internet accesible yet. So we are talking eons ago. . When people are traumatized by loss of a loved one, someone should pick up the slack. It was not hard, it did not take time, and it was appreciated, they got paid, and never missed a beat.